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  1. C

    Peak Time of Day to Harvest?

    little debbie is the snack cake the tramp....she makes brownies, star crunches, and nutty bars like the shameless hussie she is I love her I'll chop one at each time we talked about....alrighty then and thanks
  2. C

    Peak Time of Day to Harvest?

    so the cotton candy thing is just a show?...I appreciate the effort Sun and Plant put into it, I guess....I have three, so I think I'll give one of 'em the 72 hours of dark B4 I cut it...see what that does 4 me..and thank you Yeah... I'm more of a Sativa run real fast into a brick wall and...
  3. C

    Peak Time of Day to Harvest?

    nah..just a bad time for a bad pun...I wouldn't rush em like that for the concert.. trichs are just starting to show amber (sorry, I was kinda cooked when I posted this)...I just wondered if it mattered what time of day I clipped 'em.. they look like cotton freaking candy in the late afternoon...
  4. C

    Peak Time of Day to Harvest?

    If this is in the FAQ's, :spew:, sorry bout that.. It seems to me... because I'm able to watch my plants all day...that in the later afternoon @ 5-ish...the trichs seems to be extremely heavy...and I'm on the apple juice, so now I have stciky balls of goo to look at too....but is that just...
  5. C

    Question: Grafting 2 into 1

    Doing a little R&D - I have two female plants, nicely established, same age, stems very close together. Can I, and how would I, graft the main trunk stems together to splice her into one plant? I know I'd have to tie them up, & I've already started training her that way.
  6. C

    "Applejuice" It's Not Just For Baby !!!

    I'm on the juice starting tomorrow....and I will follow the directions verbatum..thank you
  7. C

    I think I picked a pretty cool name..

    ...and I think I spelled it right, too...Hi, I'm Joe...First time I've been able to grow....years of research/books/and painting the a kick ass 'Bob-Ross-back-yard-garden-thing' going on......fuckin yay....just went clone happy last week, too....that's right, light green, happy...