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  1. goggalor

    Bagseed, increase chances for a female?

    Yes, during the 3rd and 4th week of veg if the conditions are right, chances are higher for a female. Talking about not over or under watering, heat, humidity, etc etc. I guess any stress during this time can cause it to turn male. But the last part you are talking about is preflowering. It...
  2. goggalor

    krippleberry day 56

    From what I can tell it looks good! Nice even canopy, buds are coming in nicely, nothing I can tell going on through the leaves. Looks good from what I can tell!
  3. goggalor

    Is this over watering? (pics included)

    It could be overwatering, give it a few days to see how its responds. Maybe its hot in the grow box?
  4. goggalor

    Working on recycled 44oz Jack in the Box cup SoG.

    Working on recycled 44oz Jack in the Box cup SoG.
  5. goggalor

    need help with LED purchase

    I usually check on Amazon. I like being able to read the comments and peoples reviews (I always take it with a grain of salt though). I have an Apollo brand LED which I love, and I do believe they have the UFO style LEDs
  6. goggalor


    These days its all about preference. I really enjoy my full spec LED for the usual less heat, etc. I think as long as you have the correct spectrums going, it should work as well as LEDs. Keeping in mind lumens, etc
  7. goggalor

    New LED grower

    Using my 300w Apollo LED I usually have it about 12-16 inches away from canopy. Keep a look out for bleaching, which LED's do when super close.