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  1. papadankles

    is this setup okay as far as lights and stuff

    ok then just try and keep the same light schedule with both lights. and try and keep it as dark as possible when the light is off.
  2. papadankles

    Tent inside a tent for veg!!!!!!!!?

    you would also have to worry about the heat from the two tents.
  3. papadankles

    is this setup okay as far as lights and stuff

    Im only going off what I can see. So correct me if I'm just seeing it wrong but you need to keep it dark when the lights are off. It looks like your ducting is running through and doing so keeping your door open. So need to fix that. next I cant really see in too far but you need some...
  4. papadankles

    Transplanted Baby clones 48 hours ago ( First time Grower)

    Those solo cups DO have drain holes correct? If not do that ASAP. (sorry just looking at the pics again and didn't see any, figured you would put towards the bottom and maybe I passed them over)
  5. papadankles

    Transplanted Baby clones 48 hours ago ( First time Grower)

    Just be patient, and within a week or so you should see them start to have new growth. Then you should transplant into a bigger pot. I would stay away from any nutes right now, and just give them water and regulate their humidity. Another thing too just to try, I have been using 20/4 cycle...
  6. papadankles

    Need help

    they dont look wet they look like they were just watered... and their drooping because they need water..... ha
  7. papadankles

    My first Journal

    Getting there :)
  8. papadankles

    My first Journal

  9. papadankles

    Need Help!!! When do I transfer cubes to DWC???

    its not gonna hurt your plants to leave them where there at to grow their roots a little more. probably a few more days and you should be good. I like to keep my nutes at 5.8 just because it accommodates more nutes.
  10. papadankles

    my LST training working properly ?

    agreed on the auto flower idea. if your limited with your lighting definitely go that route. Like I read up top go to youtube and see how people are doing. Probably easier to watch a video that go read and interpret what they meant ha.
  11. papadankles

    Is this soil good enough?

    man im sorry this has nothing to do with your post, but Im a vet and I love your profile pic hahaha
  12. papadankles

    First Grow (Noob here, I've got some questions)

    ok you can make an air-cooled hood. if you can go spend 20 dollars and get some glass for your can go to a glass store for windows or what not to get it. Make sure you get tempered glass. ducting is 15 dollars. Winter can be tricky, if you are running 2 1000W lights.... thats alot of...
  13. papadankles

    Need help

    OK, I would first transplant those three plants from the yellow buckets to yellow. BLACK buckets do not let light out so you wont grow mold. Yellow =no good. If you are that concerned you can go to the store and get some SEED STARTER... I use it and it seems to work very well. In order for us to...
  14. papadankles

    Does she look ready?

    hmm are you growing sativa? 3 months is quite a long time for flowering. A few more questions. Have you checked the trichs on your bud? what kind of light are you using/ time schedule and have you had any setbacks?
  15. papadankles

    Does she look ready?

    wait your flowering her for 3 months? or total time or what?
  16. papadankles

    Is my plant flowering?

    Hell ya :)
  17. papadankles

    3x3 Tent Set-up Help!!!

    I personally wouldn't recommend doing a hydro setup for your first "more advanced" grow. IMO I feel that it is better to use soil and not use a ebb and flow tray because you cannot control the individual plants needs. For instance I have 12 plants and maybe a few of them dont need water or a...
  18. papadankles

    Cali Price Per Pound these days?

    In no means am I paying that price at all. Im just saying what I have been seeing mine go for....
  19. papadankles

    Cali Price Per Pound these days?

    well Im in socal and its def. not 700 a pound.... maybe if its 90% oregano!! its about 1500-2000 where im at. Just depends on the quality.
  20. papadankles

    Day 36 Flowering 1000w MH vertical bare bulb

    A MH light will work, but NOT AS GOOD as a HPS bulb. And that my friend is not any internet mumbo jumbo, that is a fact you can find anywhere,and any Novice grower should even know that. Like I said obviously it will work, But why waste your time with something that isnt as good?