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  1. E

    Drying vs Curing

    Hey, I this is my first grow/harvest... And I definitely hung my stuff upside down. I rigged a wooden fold out cloths drying rack with string, and a " safety net/board " under it.. Then I covered it with a blanket, to help keep SOME light out.. (( I topped, and still have my...
  2. E

    Help! Bugs!

    I definitely have them too &&& they suck.... HARD!
  3. E

    New Members...

    Yikes.. Sorry in advance guys! I decided to take my adventure a bit further today, and I googled, and found some serious info by widow maker! I did read all 3 pages of that!! It was a bit too much for me to swallow all at once! I've just been growing naturally without any equipment or...
  4. E

    We're busted! What would you do?

    Wow, what an intriguing read! My sentiments for your previous peril Hear Me Now. What a sketchy scenario, but I'm glad it seems to have worked out! I read pages 1 to 13, and I can tell there are a lot of great people here! I hope to befriend, and learn from many of you! Though after...
  5. E

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone! I'm BRAND new here! 21 year old guy, in North Carolina ( if that matters to anyone ) And pretty much new to growing. I've already got a few plants growing.. 7 actually, but only 3 that I'm taking seriously. Thing is, I'm not sure what I'm growing exactly.. I...