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  1. N

    Indoor sweet pepper grow help.

    The length of time it takes from seed to harvest is dependant on the variety. Most of the mild peppers are fairly quick (jalapeño about 65 days) compared to the super hots (like the Bhut Jolokia at 160 days or so). Yes you do have to hand pollinate when indoors. The easiest way is with a...
  2. N

    Picante peper ?

    Up your lights on time to 24 hours a day for the first 5 to 7 weeks. After that cut it back to 18/6 or you run the risk of developing leaf chlorosis (sp?).
  3. N


    I guess at the end of the day I'd have to say, "it depends". Yeah that's a non-answer, but here's why. I'm in a cold climate. We have a 90 day grow season. I start all plants indoors January/February depending on the 'time to harvest'. Previously all chilie plants have been in Jiffy peat...
  4. N

    pepper plant help?

    Yep. Chile's grow in some pretty hot climates. Mexico (Habs), India (Bhut's), Trinidad (Bonnets, Scorpions) etc. They may wilt a little due to the intense heat, but they spring back up during the night. N
  5. N


    I cleaned out my seed bank last year and gave a whole whack to a fellow chile head. I had over 75 different kinds. He had grown some pretty impressive Bhut's in previous years and I'm told he's got a bunch more on the go. If I can get my hands on some more of the super hot seeds I'd be glad to...
  6. N


    And to add to the list of things you can do with Chile peppers, try making some ice-cream. I made french vanilla ice-cream with 10 orange habs. I called it Vanihab ice-cream. Real nice flavour to start with, then bam the heat comes in! Not many takers after the first spoon full :lol:
  7. N


    What type of medium/system are you going to grow in? Soil? Coco? Eb and grow system like Growstess?
  8. N


    I think you may be taking that last line a bit too literally Growstress. By neglect I mean resist the urge to water every time the pot feels a hair light. Chile plants don't like "wet feet" so it's best to let them wilt before the next watering. While you certainly can fertilize all you want...
  9. N


    Got any pictures?
  10. N


    Chilli plants really don't need much for ferts, but yes tomato food will work.
  11. N


    Depends. If you're doing soil the general rule is the bigger the pot the bigger the plant (within reason). BUT if you live in a cold climate with a short growing season you may not be able to get the soil to dry out enough to for the plants to wilt before the next watering. I had this problem...
  12. N


    For starters I would go with Jalapeno, Super Chilli, Cayenne, or any of the common varieties that you can get at the local garden shop. Outside of the superhots chilli plants are pretty easy to grow and really don't need much attention. Get a good draining grow medium - NOTHING that has moisture...
  13. N

    pepper plant help?

    Assuming you don't have aphids, I would say your plants lack calcium. It's pretty common issue because hot peppers need a lot. Supplements and time will correct the issue.
  14. N

    Chillies and Peppers

    I joined this site so I could gather some info on growing in Coco. Glad to see that there's a few chiliheads in here too! I had Bhuts, Naga's, and a few of the different Scorpions including the ButchT, but unfortunately I was never able to get them to reach their full potential in terms of...