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  1. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    i have looked for the worm castings but cant find them anywhere
  2. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    wish i could buy that fox farm ocean forest, looks good
  3. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    pretty much i dont have much of a selection around here, but i want to do it properly this time. would like to maybe get some regular soil and flush all the nutes out? so i can go in clean? i think that might have been my problem before. would like to go completely organic too, not a fan of...
  4. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    mate i would love to taste some of that, looks intense. sick of smoking this fucking shit
  5. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    hey guys. just started up a few new seeds, got them in peat pellets and its the first time ive used these.. just keep them moist and warm until better established? my other 2 plants arent doing so well, the ak47 auto doesnt look good at all lol, leaves have turned very purple. will i even get...
  6. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    drilled some holes in the pot, takes too long for it to dry out. put a heat mat at the bottom too to raise the soil temps a bit. this is the setup, pretty much how they stay. will lift the light when i have to.
  7. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    I will check out the nursery and see about the fish stuff definately, i've got a desk fan blowing in there 24/7 but is closed up in the closet. i do open it up to let fresh air in during the day. was planning on starting some new seeds, i think it will go alot better this time around
  8. cancrusher

    leaves dying off, black tips

    unknown strain, under a 250watt 5600k cfl, 18/6 lighting with soil temps around 25 degrees. have been using ph'd water around 6.7 with cycogrow platinum every so often, just a drop. in soil mixed with perlite. leaves have been getting worse and starting to worry that it might spread to the top...
  9. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    got an AK47 auto here, and its just started showing its sex. its really small though and hardly any leaves? not sure where to go with that? also got another bag seed going but worried about the bottom leaves dying off as you can see.. any suggestions from anybody would be great? under 150watt...
  10. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    appreciate the input, but i really know nothing about compost tea lol? willing to give it a shot if you could point me to some info? or is it in that thread you mentioned.. cheers
  11. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    GANDALF! don't know what's going on, but the tips seem to be getting black at the ends as you can clearly see. bottom leaves seem to be dying off and the newly sprouting leaves are showing a bit of a redish colour? really becoming frustrated. have been dealing with gnats also, finally got some...
  12. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    gandalf, AK47 still hasnt really picked up yet, leaves are looking kinda red there. other plant has taken off a bit the past few days
  13. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    ak47 seems to be looking a bit better.(last pic) also, on the other one there seems to be black spots showing up? and dont know if you can tell but the new leaves seem to have reddish tips. its about 40 days old, dont know what strain. will just water with ph'd water from now
  14. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    still looking a bit droopy..but still hopeful. other plant is starting to take off a bit too. will add pics soon
  15. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    i have another ak47 just sprouting up now, this one is in a peat pellet.. thought i'd try a different approach
  16. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    its under 250watt cfl bulb. will try using lower wattage bulb for a bit?
  17. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    yeah anyway, i will wait till that bloke is online and i'll have a chat. i guess as for now i'll have to just wait it out and see how this one comes along. i will take you're advice and only water with ph'd water. i'll keep you updated with pics too
  18. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    i have read that people have lost their seeds in customs. mine arrived within a week, hidden inside a bicycle wheel tube lol. but i got them that is the main thing. i havent gotten one plant past as big as this one is now. they are quite expensive on that site though? where are you in the world?
  19. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    sounds good to me. last time i ordered was from bonza seeds. how are they for shipping in aus do you know? i will probably look into getting some very soon
  20. cancrusher

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    also, i'm thinking of doing one more seed order in the next few months. anybody have any suggestions on strains? was thinking about a few medicinal seeds too. nothing too big though lol. was thinking auto seeds but dunno if thats the way too go? trying to make it as simple as possible lol