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  1. jackvolts

    P Problem???? I need some WB!! w/ pics

    :confused::confused::confused::confused:After looking thru some of the posts I believe I have a phosphorus problem but would like to get some verification if possible since im FNG... I posted a heat problem before but got no love, lets hope the new area does it :) BTW, you are looking at...
  2. jackvolts

    mini cab heat problem w pics

    I cant seem to get any love.... still got a hot room, I dont see any negative signs YET... but since I am trying carmelisous I dont know when/if I will see any. I have a MH/HPS conversion ballast with a 400w MH in a cool tube in it right now. Can I keep the ballast and go down to 250W at least...
  3. jackvolts

    mini cab heat problem w pics

    Still getting up to at least 87...... Anyone have any suggestions?:confused:
  4. jackvolts

    Cool Tube Setup Help

    I used the 6" connectors in the ceiling, since they have a "lip"... if you get the size right it can add some support. A little caulk can do wonders if the hole is a tad large or leaks light as well. One tip I would give is to keep you ducts as straight as possible, more bends=more resistance.
  5. jackvolts

    mini cab heat problem w pics

    alright.... so I have closed almost every duct in my house but the ones in my closet but room temp still high:spew:Is a portable ac my only option???? I have put a TDS meter to the leaves and found I am at ~77-85...... I have the lights going off during the heat of the day but since I am using...
  6. jackvolts

    mini cab heat problem w pics

    here is a pathetic attempt at an explanation of my setup...
  7. jackvolts

    mini cab heat problem w pics

    Alright fng here, been reading for awhile and doing my best to make this PC grow work. I have been trying out things on a poor soul and at this point heat is my main problem. I live in Mexico so needless to say its hot here right now. Temps range from 90 down to 77, I know its way to hot but...