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  1. C

    GMO - No Scientific Reason to Oppose

    Gmo are not safe for most part.look Russia they wana nuke us because our GMOs are fucking up the ecosystem.
  2. C

    What do you do when you have no more weed?

    I wait tell I get more .I usely scrape my vape an combine that with my keif. That holds me back for a bit.
  3. C

    A strain that I wish I could've gotten more of

    I have not tryed this Syrian but is sounds super dank with its genetics.
  4. C

    Can I get some quality assurance?

    Looks really good man.its hard to know for shure what strain it truly is.what matters its that its good quality .
  5. C

    whars up blades

    What a up guys I'm new here im a member of gasscity as well. I just like meeting chill people an learning new things.I may be a pro at smoking but I'm all ways learning something new every day . This place looks super chill an filled with great info.peace