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  1. Grown4daClub

    yellowish looking leaves??

    [F]Outdoor,30 days into flowering.. Leaves a turning yellow on the tips? :cry: Some funky looking black line traveling up the stock??:confused: I have had good luck up until this point. Eliminated spidermites:clap: She is an AK-47 that stinks pretty:grin::cry:[/FONT]
  2. Grown4daClub

    Ever have the authorities visit your med patch?

    Where I live in NorCal we can have 8oz. in car in glove box or trunk. At home you can have 3lbs. dried and not a stem or seed over!! If your a vender you can have more. If any one is looking for a compassionate dispencery and your in the Haywad area go to We Are Hemp.. Great people and GREAT...
  3. Grown4daClub

    Ever have the authorities visit your med patch?

    pending on what county you live in...
  4. Grown4daClub

    car payment = sex twice a week

    Dude thats is such a real statement.. Why pay for the chance of a possible STD.. Pay the doctor and fix the "flaws"..:clap:
  5. Grown4daClub

    Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

    Thank you all for such a welcome.. Hey "neighbor" you close to da Bay???
  6. Grown4daClub

    car payment = sex twice a week

    LOL.. No your place is "not set up for visitors" so that means your not getting screwed.... Sorry :peace:
  7. Grown4daClub

    Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

    Just joined but am glad there are other lil' mama's out there. Smokin 17 years strong.. :joint: Love Northern Cali. It's a tripp to be the only girl out of 8 men in one of thr medical canabis spot's out here.. We are here!!