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  1. P

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello, I am a person who has never grown anything before. Now I am trying to nurture a small pot garden. I live in Hawaii and I have four indoor females just beginning to flower under 600 watts of CFL, three males outdoors in the yard (just put outdoors yesterday when diagnosed as males--do...
  2. P

    Drying time

    It is nice for a newbie like me to find such generosity everywhere!
  3. P

    Drying time

    Do you think that keeping the room more humid would keep it from drying out too much?
  4. P


    Is it safe to grow flowering males outdoors, while growing flowering females indoors? Many thanks for any help!
  5. P

    Drying time

    I would like to leave town for 3 weeks immediately after harvest, leaving the plants to dry that long. Assuming proper control of temperature and humidity, does anyone know if there are problems leaving plants to dry that long? Thanks for any info!