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  1. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    Great advice, Londoner! Yes, my box is light proof (except for vent holes), and besides. The Box is in a back room closet, which doesn't ever get used. So the only light that gets used in there are the lights in the box. Makes a lot fo sense about the 20/4. Ill think i'll start...
  2. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    You are correct! From the sack to the soil I got a couple more seeds germinating at the moment, I can see a little root pokin out of em, but i'll let em sit for a little longer. Wish you could determine the sex earlier so there's not as much suspense and fear of all this attention for...
  3. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    Thanks Cyrus n Londoner. Good to have help across seas Im off today in search of organic soil! Tired of being paranoid about this MG time release stuff. I might look around pawn shops for a sodium lamp. Pay day is today! Woo! I already have some plant food. It's kinda a knock off generic...
  4. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    Got bored so I shot up the plant with more pics. It's so photogenic! You'll notice in the third picture that some of the bottom leaves are turning yellow. Too much light? Not enough nutrients? I'm kinda in a bind because I can't find anywhere in town that sells plant food except for Miracle Grow...
  5. C Smoke

    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    I've seen light sockets at Wal-Mart, but I couldn't find the Y-shaped ones that can hold two bulbs, which is what i'm searching for. I think i'm gunna try Home Depot. If you have one, maybe check it out! Hope your buddies pop up soon!
  6. C Smoke

    Nirvana Trustworthy?

    Glad to hear it, unity! What kind are they?
  7. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    -------------------------------------------------- Alright. Thanks for all the support from fellow RIU-ites! Big Ben is doin' well so far. Sometimes some of it's leaves act like they wanna twist. Anyone viewing know what that might be? x I don't have it on a very steady light schedule...
  8. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    Thanks! The box IS flat white on the inside. The very bottom of the box isnt painted because I ran out, heh. But the rest is covered very well and the box kinda glows from the inside from reflection. I couldn't find any place around here that carried mylar, which is what I would prefer...
  9. C Smoke

    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    looks like the top half could use another coat of paint. Good luck to ya!
  10. C Smoke

    some organic help..

    Spiders ARE good for something!
  11. C Smoke

    Need Opinions On First Grow

    You can check out my thread about my rubbermaid growbox if you need some ideas. CFL's CAN easily be made practical, and easy to get around if you take the time to plan the best way to assemble. Hope it helps!
  12. C Smoke

    some organic help..

    And what of the red bugs?
  13. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    Ok uhm...I know the pictures make the lights look like blacklights, but they are just white light. Not soft, just white ass fluorescents.
  14. C Smoke

    some organic help..

    im currently battling these little red bug things, about the size of a grain of pepper. I use my magnifying glass to spot them and remove them physically. If youre growing indoors like I am this will be an ok method. It would be pointless if you grow outdoors. If so, stick to pesticide...
  15. C Smoke

    some organic help..

    Hi, stoned! I'm Caleb! Marijuana plants are fairly hardy, and I don't think you need to worry about what type of pesticides you use, as long as you dont toxify them with too much
  16. C Smoke

    How to get growing card in Washington!!

    They could also perscribe marijuana to people with eating disorders ^__^
  17. C Smoke

    Male or Female?

    ill keep my fingers crossed for you!
  18. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    I'm....not sure. Fluorescent? I'm not sure what you mean. I think I still have the box they came in. How can I find out?
  19. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    On a side note... does anyone know how to distinguish wind burn from excessive light?
  20. C Smoke

    Growbox, anything missing?

    More pictures! Got that outside view for reinstorm, to prove it's practicality. Im germinating somemore bagseed, I'll probably take big ben (whos hopefully a girl!) back outside mid august and use the box for the seedlings. BTW, anyone feeling charitable feel free to buy an HPS for me ^____^...