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  1. nhhack

    What do you think of this spot? Google Earth pics

    One of the house's is my buddies and so is part of the land....the other part of the land is unknow who owns it but the land is something we have talked about growing scence we were cant tell but the land is on a slope and is not anything anyone would really want to go...
  2. nhhack

    What do you think of this spot? Google Earth pics

    Ya I have walked this whole area before and it is very easy for me to go there with out anyone knowing.... My main question is how far away from the stream should the plants be planted?
  3. nhhack

    What do you think of this spot? Google Earth pics

    Explain how its a bad one knows my identity or ture location of the spot besides an unupdated picture.....
  4. nhhack

    What do you think of this spot? Google Earth pics

    Please Delete
  5. nhhack

    do you work out?

    It depends what it is? Is it protien powder or weight gainer? I take lots of supps and workout a lot. Hit me up with a PM the name of the stuff and ill give you a better tasting supp....
  6. nhhack

    Your fav. munchies food....

    #1 twinkies Its like if god decided to fuck a pound cake and made a creampie in it.....thats why i love twinkies! :hump:
  7. nhhack

    Question I Always Ask My Friends, Now It's Your Turn

    Heres my's all mental, if you know you got "good" shit your going to think your going to get uber high and you will.... BUT If you got some bunk bud from Johhny appleseed you will think that you wont get as high unless you smoke an 1/8 to your dome.... in all scence prolly after...