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  1. S

    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Thats good. :D Hey, that plant doesn't look bad at all - pull off the dead brown leaves, they should come off pretty easily, and they're no use to the plant now. Do you have somewhere to put the plant outside? You can put it on your balcony to start flowering...otherwise you'll prob. have to get...
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Sure. Remove the battery. Your landlord sure won't like it though. Good to have you back, K3NNY, and good to hear that you had a nice smoke break. Just some friendly advice...that friend you got to water your plants? Tell him that they died, thanks for nothing, that sort of thing. It was...
  3. S

    Can anyone locate Double Bubble Seeds?

    Sensi's White Label Double Gum used to be called Double Bubble...its possible that that may be the strain you and readily available.
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Sorry, K3NNY. Oh, wait, you're not K3NNY. You're just some random member who decided to police someone elses thread (whose OP said they didn't mind if I posted some pics)... Sorry for the vibes in your thread K3NNY.
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Good Stuff, I was wondering what was up. Heres some pics from last week, others starting flowering: Satori, Snow White and ZamalxSkunk...
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Hi k3nny, hows the plants? Heres a Hashberry starting to go into flower, in my secret Japanese garden. Hope you don't mind me posting the pic here...
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    I've been spotted

    Oh yeah. A "cool cop" is an oxymoron. Fucking A you're suspect. I wouldn't visit the plant you moved for a long time. Maybe even just forget about it altogether.
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Could be anything, they might not like the ramen cups even...a transplant can do wonders for the health of a plant. Just make sure your lights aren't too low, although CFLs can get pretty close, also I'd keep the fan on swing or oscillate, blowing on them most of the time. Its never too early to...
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Personally, I'd give them some more time in the cups, but when you repot, ideally you should water them lightly a half hour or so before you repot. As long as they're not bone dry. Repot in about double the volue that they're in now. Buy the slightly more expensive soil, its worth the extra...
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    They don't look that bad at all imo...the lighter coloured leaf may be the first signs of an N deficiency, but you're prob better off not giving them any nutes yet... if u really want to, look for "Yuuki 100(hyaku) bai" - its a liquid organic nute, 100x concentration instead of 1000x, and its...
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Yes, it sure can.
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    K3NNY still around, I wonder? bongsmilie
  13. S

    Growing in Japan and laws

    5-7 depending on size of grow, deportation immediately after sentence served and 10 years, if not life ban on entering Japan. Simple possession of any amount: 5 years and the above.
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    K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal

    Kenny, good luck. I'll post some pics of my 2008 outdoor in Japan later. :) Edit: Posted a couple of pics into album "2008" in my profile. Organic outdoor. Mandala Satori and Hashberry, Mist of Destruction Menage a Trois, Sensi Skunk#1, Female Seeds Zamal x Skunk and Nirvana Snow White. The...
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    Growing in Japan and laws

    Hi, I just registered to reply to this thread... Firstly, there are a lot of smokers in Japan, both native and foreign. Secondly, it grows wild(!) in the Northern parts. Cops are waiting to bust people who try to pick it though. Thirdly, growing by yourself is probably the best option. Those of...