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    The horror of global warming!

    Global warming is the real big threat to life on Earth. We should make life more secure for the next generation.
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    What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

    You would not be offended.Communication barriers may create some sort politics when two people are communicating from the far end.
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    Gas Chromatography

    Thanks for sharing nice stuff. I do like your comments that "I picked it apart as a business venture and every qualified person i found to run it (any college chemistry major) didn't want to go anywhere near it. Too much legit work for someone with that training"
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    If drug paraphernalia is illegal, how do headshops operate?

    Yes I agree that he was just endorsed the products, not actually selling them.If he wants to sell them he need to fulfill all patents and other intellectual property rights.For this he has to go for trademark.
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    Hey how are we all

    Hi! Nice to meet you all. I am Mark and new here. I am sure it will be a nice place to share and discuss all new relevant things here. Thanks and welcome to all.