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  1. OverGrow Kid

    starting the babies for summer crop

    Your my fuking hero... Before you flame on, I've gone through entire thread but I cant find your seaweed extract recipe, If you would be so kind to oblige me with said recipe, I would give proper credits in my journal when I use make some. Unless you buy it made already, which I refuse to...
  2. OverGrow Kid

    (og kid) bag seed in central america *trial1*

    Right now marks 24hrs from the beginning of the germinating stage of my first Central American grow-op. I have collected enough seeds from SHWAGY weed I have purchased in the past 5months; weed goes for about 4$US for about a qtr... not bad eh? well it is but I cant' complain. Even though...
  3. OverGrow Kid

    (og kid) bag seed in central america *trial1*

  4. OverGrow Kid

    Central America and a GREEN THUMB!

    Your right, I mentioned this to him today but he said it has worked for him. Probably not the highest in nutritional value but people do with what they have here and he ends up selling this to neighboring farms that do make their own.
  5. OverGrow Kid

    Central America and a GREEN THUMB!

    AN OTHER UPDATE! I was walking into town; about a mile walk with farms to my left an right, spoke to a ground-keeper of a local farm called '' Tamarindo'' and asked him what do they use for fertilizer and if they make they're own. In summation he told me that what they do in their farm is...
  6. OverGrow Kid

    starting the babies for summer crop

    Smart... and smart! You sir, are my current outdoors-man hero LOL +karma
  7. OverGrow Kid

    Central America and a GREEN THUMB!

    QUICK UPDATE! conveniently in my neighborhood, there is a ''bodega'' of which the man in charge there is making a GIGANTIC pile of ''abono'' or compost... he says he uses primarily saw dust, yard trimming, and top soil, nothing special. Ill be going to a coffee farm to my left today to see what...
  8. OverGrow Kid

    Central America and a GREEN THUMB!

    And to answer your question of which I hadnt lol... Current humidity is 63%... last night was at like 75%. Keeping in mind that we are in the '' wet'' season here. PS: What do you mean by Sub'd?
  9. OverGrow Kid

    Central America and a GREEN THUMB!

    In this part of the world, immigration is such a monopolized greedy scheme... they do physical checks on ALL packages and include tax at their own discretion, electronics here get up to a 70% mark up from msrp because , I believe, they think its for resale purposes; very greedy country.... bunch...
  10. OverGrow Kid

    (og kid) bag seed in central america *trial1*

    1) OLD PH TESTER UN-CALIBRATED: Need to find calibrating solution, or make red-cabbage juice. 2) 1 GALLON BUCKET Going to need more.... 3) RUBBERMAID BIN To start making my own compost. 4) BAG-SHWAG SEED Lets see if we can perfect the growing process they got around here...
  11. OverGrow Kid

    Best seed companies

    Off tangent... your avatar is mad cool lol
  12. OverGrow Kid

    (OG KID) BAG SEED IN CENTRAL AMERICA *TRIAL1* (Comment and suggestion thread)

    In order to keep my grow journal strictly for OP dialogue, I've started this thread in order for those with comments and suggestion to post on here . To view current journal status click here. :leaf:Will be posting periodically:leaf:
  13. OverGrow Kid

    (og kid) bag seed in central america *trial1*

    My experience has been solely indoor. My last set up was a 3*3*6 closet running a 400w HPS light, SP inline fan (I forget the size of my scrubber) OF Foxfarm soil and all FF nuts and a carb solution that I got for free (forget what brand) I've grown mostly Attitude seed; cheese, white shark...
  14. OverGrow Kid

    Central America and a GREEN THUMB!

    AWESOME LINK! A way to Gage light cycles is crucial for me now since I cant put a timer on the sun lol... We are in the wet season, so yah... plenty of rain past couple days...according to the site, if I start seedlings now, I might have to thing about vegging indoors till January, but since...
  15. OverGrow Kid

    boy or girl? I think girl.. [pic, first grow]

    female... for now. LOL not to jynx ya.
  16. OverGrow Kid

    Need help please! General questions inside

    Hope I help a bit,
  17. OverGrow Kid

    Central America and a GREEN THUMB!

    :leaf: HELLO WORLD :leaf: Coming to you live from the butt-hole of central america ( lets say the sixth country south of Texas). Beautiful culture, amazing geographical sights... my concerns now are to be able to grow me some ganja. Now... I have no access to FoxFram products (the ones I...