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  1. D

    will this light work?

    kind of looks like a flood light but even stronger. depending on distance from the plant it may be too hot
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    random deal

    ive been looking on ebay. do you think a computer case would even be able to grow the plants to even its partial potential. i am sure your yield will be way down from all of that. i had a good grow room set up in a rubbermaid box but i was adjusting the lights and i they all fell and there went...
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    random deal

    sorry guys...
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    random deal

    its just difficult because i live basically in a hotel room my closet doesn't have a door. and last time it was under my sink in a rubbermaid container. it was working pretty well but i want something that will hide the light as much as possible. i am not very good with building things and i...
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    random deal

    well it started with an over watering problem. i am sorry i am making an offer i thought people here were a little more accepting about things. i live in a small old motel room with not alot of place so a nice stealth box would work out really well. but if i am just making a fool of myself...
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    random deal

    possibly. i kept really good care of it as much as i could. my botonist friend helped me out alot i just left for a day and it was wilted. was a beautiful plant so far too. sorry for horrible spelling i am on day 3 of no sleeping and not to mention i am stoned hah.
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    random deal

    hellllllllo. i dont have much cash at all but i need a grow box. i have a 4 gig ipod and if someone is willing to make me a well designed grow box that the hight is less than three feet. all my other grow box's have failed and i want something more proffessional. i can even throw in another mp3...
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    1 week old plant, bagseed, input?

    This is my baby after one week of work. i dont think its too bad the tip of the biggest leaf is pure yellow which my botanist friend told me that it was due to over watering so i have been controlling this as best i can and soon a transplant is needed. what would be the best way to transplant do...
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    Day 5, Does it look healthy?

    well i am going to think about the sockets but i got a splitter and a 43w actual light connected. only one plant is really alive. and i think i burned the tip of the leaf with it because its yellow, but just incase i am going to have to buy some insect killer.
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    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    i just bought a 100w CFL should it still be an inch away from my plant?
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    Day 5, Does it look healthy?

    so i bought a 100w CFL I am waiting for a new light socket do you think i should put in my old 13w in the new lamp or another 100 or whatever. input please :]
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    Day 5, Does it look healthy?

    it is bag seed, so ya most likely one is a male. i will try doing both the only thing is i cant get ahold of another desk lamp or the money to buy one. i know with cfls they should at least have one light 1" from the plant. i have no idea what to do when they get bigger. p.s. isn't it wierd the...
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    Day 5, Does it look healthy?

    they are really tall. the first 2 days i was putting them by my window sill but now i am putting them under cfls. the two larger pots i know dont look the best the right one was the one that sprouted the fastest. any input on what i can do to make it better right now i only have one cfl so i...
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    First timer question with CFL's

    I am currently very low on cash. i planted 4 germinated seeds and were kept under regular daily sunlight for the first three days. The next day i put it under a spot light, i know too hot and ended up burning the leaves on all except for 1. so number one. is there a ways to heal there slightly...