Pipe and bong do almost nothing but head rush tho. Neighbor has one of those really expensive dual chamber high dollar bongs claims it cost 1000 even hitting 2 or 3 bowls out of it a whole blunt is still needed idk I really think its just me. I've never liked dank because its to expensive and...
I think I just have crap luck nothing works I use to take pills for pain reasons it got the point where even 3 percocets and 4 flexeril at one time still weren't giving me an effect let alone the recommended dosage. No wasn't popping pills they were prescribed
Well you guys seem to know a lot so here's why all this started. One day buddy realized hey smokeing helps with Buddy's extreme anxiety, insomnia, anger, a lot of over stress and worry, and pain. Buddy hates the way pills feel taste and make u feel. So smoking was OK but now buddy has gone from...
Holy crap lol way more to it than one thought (and one use to think one knew something about something) but here's the thing my (buddy) lives in a state that hasn't legalized it yet so all that is available is crap bud and more expensive slightly less crappy bud as dro. And that's really it so...
Yea its mids can't afford 15$ a g for dro. Usually smoke 5 blunts a day I don't own a scale so I'd say as much as I can fit in there. dont know what dabs are and edibles havent worked so far for me. But still my tolerance is dumb high I smoke 2 back to back which usally feel it for a few min...
Yea I read that after but what I don't get is how its working for others that don't do that process. Just like people saying they make it in the microwave just fine.
So I've looked it up and found nothing. Some people say it works some say it doesn't. Yesterday I used jiff with 1-2 g and a lil veg oil and felt nothing and it tasted gross. Today I tried again at 310 at 35 min instead of 330 degrees for 22 min. And once again nothing. Also I don't have a scale...
Ok update i tested the ph of the soil and its between 7-8 and i know thats high also my nitrogen is low. Any help? right now i have 2 one gallon jugs one is water with 5 drops of apple cider viniger to try and lower ph and the other is mixed with a plant food that gives 30-10-10. I was thinking...
Ok I've been thinking and im wondering about this. For 2 weeks it was fine and then i think i over watered where i live we use well water so what if the well water has a mineral or something in it that in normal watering doses is ok but over watering(which would also be more of the mineral or...
I also thought over-watering for the droopiness but im wating till the soil dries again to inspect her again.
Dannyboy602 what do you suggest i add in with my current lights