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  1. soulscientist

    Is this light good?!

    Thanx for the repliez!! And mos def thanx for the link. oNe,SS
  2. soulscientist

    Is this light good?!

    Hello. I was looking for some cheap lightz and came across this. Could anyone please tell me if this light is any good? Thanx.
  3. soulscientist


    I have 20 seedlings which just got their first set of 3 pronged long should I wait until I start using fertilizers on them? Thanx,SS
  4. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    That plant is budding? Sorry,I can't see it very good in those picz. Nice plant tho'. And I'm not upset. LOL. Just don't know why u think the size of a plant determinez if it should be budding or not. As u should know a plant budz when it getz 11 to 13 hourz of darkness. Where I'm at the dayz...
  5. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    I took some picz with my cell phone. But they turned out bad. So I erased dem. Plus I don't like having picz of thingz like that on my phone ya know? The less evidence the better!! When I harvest tho' I'm gonna take some picz. BLESS.
  6. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    YES. A 5 foot plant. SO?! It'z still in it'z veg stage of growing. It won't start to show untill around October in my area. The size of a plant doesn't tell u if it'z a male or female!! PEACE.
  7. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    Well I think this will be the last post I make on this subject. The plant has weathered the storm,all praisez due to the most high,JAH!! I would like to THANK everyone who gave me some info. I am grateful. I look forward to reasoning with u all again. Letz just hope it'z not about...
  8. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    LOL!! OVERSTOOD. THANX. :joint:
  9. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    Sorry, sometimez u just gotta work with what JAH givez ya....I can't get NO bigger!! Oh shit,NEVERMIND!! I got CONFUSED!! LOL. My type is small?! Sorry. It lookz NORML to me. LOL. PEACE to ALL the GODZ and the EARTHZ,Ra aka SS :joint:
  10. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    No doubt,that'z GOOD to hear. THANX for the info. I'm starting to feel a little better now. PEACE fam. :blsmoke:
  11. soulscientist

    Cloning medium?!

    OK,no doubt. I knew u could use soil,I just didn't know if it worked very well. 'Coz I'd rather root clonez in soil. THANX fam. JAH BLESS oNe,Ra :joint:
  12. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    A quick update. I found another hole bored into the stalk today up above the other one. So far the plant seemz to be fightin' the damage. I think I might have found the culprit. An elder in my area has told me it'z probably something called a boring wasp or bee. They'll bore into the stalkz...
  13. soulscientist

    Cloning medium?!

    Hello bredren and sisdren, I have a question for u all. I have never taken clonez before and I wanna know if I can root the clonez with rooting hormone gel and replant dem into soil?! I know most everyone preferz too use rockwool but I wanna try soil 'coz right know I have no rockwool. Some...
  14. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    I don't know if it'z a male or a female yet. Still to earlier outdoorz to tell. So taking clonez at this point would be futile. THANX for the advice tho'. We'll see what happenz. I'll keep posting. oNe,Ra
  15. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    THANX alot bro. I hope it can help otherz out. It'z a really GOOD guide to pestz. An interesting thing to read and study. TRUTH=KNOWLEDGE. JAH BLESS oNe,Ra :blsmoke:
  16. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    I just did some searching and found a really comprehensive site about marijuana and hemp pestz. The link is Cannabis pests I think I might be dealing with some kind of catipiller or corn borer. Not sure tho',just a guess. The site getz pretty in-depth and scientific with it. Maybe it...
  17. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    I'd just like to say THANX so far to everyone who'z weighed in on the subject so far. I just went out and wrapped a thick ass piece of aluminum foil mixed with wax around the stalk. But I was thinkin' if the little bastard could eat it'z way in then it could just as well eat it'z way out!! I'll...
  18. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    Yeah....suffice to say,I'm feelin' very fuckin' pissed and at the same time sad!! I'm sure every grower knowz the feelin' of watchin' a beautiful plant waste away and feelin' helpless 'coz u can't do shit about it!! Ah,the beauty of life and death,the great mystery. PEACE fam. :?
  19. soulscientist

    Best Plant DYING!!!! NEED HELP!!!!!

    THANX bro. I have no idea either. But It'z some kind of boring insect bastard!!!! I just took some shitty cell phone picz but I don't think it'll help,the picz don't show much. Just a plant that'z droopy and leaning over. Someone told me to fill in the hole with a ball of aluminum foil and put...