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  1. 4

    pretty sure I have a male but want 2nd opinion

    yes mate def a male had the same three days ago bastard boyz happy growing ok geezer
  2. 4

    THE CFG CLUB(the club for growing under compact fluors!!!)

    Yeah checked out the vids cfl is the future for me Watched this one other day spot on cfl growing unique gro box Yeah as quoted about HPS I had 400 w and man it burnt me plants to a crisp i went away for two days and come back and they were torched lack of proper ventilation Question : had me...
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    THE CFG CLUB(the club for growing under compact fluors!!!)

    Thanks Boribol look forward to reading future posts have had the kids under 12/12 and they are flying under cfl I had HPS 400 watt but it killed all me crop to much heat couldnt get it out quick enough looking to grow 2 foot mas cos of lack of space
  4. 4

    THE CFG CLUB(the club for growing under compact fluors!!!)

    Hi all can I join the cfl club and are there any web pages dedicated to cfl growing apart from Here is my 6 train wreck (NL Greenhouse seeds) Any tips ??????????????? 2 x 200 watt CFL (Envirolite) Red spectrum 1 x 200 watt CFL (Envirolite) Blue Spectrum Exhaust and incoming...
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    yes I do the same leave it stand for 24 hr to allow water to be same as room temp as for nutes I do the same have a good grow
  6. 4

    Pissed on my Plant

    lol that is the funniest thing I have seen today keep it up Mush
  7. 4

    3rd Grow

    Hi Rollitup peeps I am 4 weeks out of vegatitive stage and three days into flowering stage and am looking for some advice on my babies, 6 under flower !!!! Set Up 2 x 200 W red spectrum envirolite 1 x exhaust 1 x extractor fan bringing attic air in temp 23 - 25 c Bio Grow Nutes fed once a...
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    3rd Grow

    Hi Rollitup peeps I am 4 weeks out of vegatitive stage and three days into flowering stage and am looking for some advice on my babies, 6 under flower !!!! Set Up 2 x 200 W red spectrum envirolite 1 x exhaust 1 x extractor fan bringing attic air in temp 23 - 25 c Bio Grow Nutes fed once...
  9. 4

    dying plants - help me!

    Oh I forgot to add when they are that small you want 400 w at least a metre away to hot man
  10. 4

    dying plants - help me!

    I had the same problem as you a while back ventilation looks like the problem what you running 400 w sodium heat stress and lack of co2 looks the problem I had this on my 1st and 2nd and third grow bongsmilie
  11. 4

    Hi Looking for Growing advice what strain is best

    Well that is true just looking for some input regarding people personal pref to weed thats all
  12. 4

    Hi Looking for Growing advice what strain is best

    Indoor grow room 6' x 6' x 6' HPS 400 W Looking to grow the best weed I can have been growing white widow but getting a boring smoke now looking for something unusual to try to grow conditions in my grow room are excellent for most of what I have done however started a year ago and learnt by...
  13. 4

    Hi Looking for Growing advice what strain is best

    Hi everyone Looking for some advice how to grow the best weed in UK have got good connections in Holland and am looking to create the same in UK any one got good advice regarding the perfect strain to use have learnt alot from all the members on here RIU is a bible of information
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    First Time Grow Looking for Advice

    Thanks for all your help I am still learning to grow so experience and advice will eventually get what I desire lol Once again thanks guys for your input !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
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    First Time Grow Looking for Advice

    I think you may be right as I screwed up my first grow due to heat stress I have small fan is it ok to point at plants direct ????????? Thanks for your advice mate !!!! They are three weeks I suppose it is to early I was thinking of leaving for another four weeks under 18/6 you think that is right ?
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    First Time Grow Looking for Advice

    Hi there Thanks for the advice How long would you leave under present cycle ? I think it is overwatering as I have hardly used any nutes yet
  17. 4

    First Time Grow Looking for Advice

    Hi Everybody I am knew to all this and looking for some advice on how to grow some perfect weed Uk based !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Set Up 6' x 6' x 6' Grow Room 1 x 400 watt HPS Extractor RK 125 Fan Input RK 100 Temp 76 - 80 Strain 6 x White Widow (Greenhouse Seeds Amsterdam) Veg Cycle...