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  1. Z

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi all planning on growing 4 autos in DWC with a 600 watt hps. Can you plz give me any tips. Any help with the germ process. Also nutes.
  2. Z

    First time growing

    I'm new and also planning on growing some autos. I'm thinking about dwc with a 600w hps. The dwc it has five sites. Can anyone tell me the best way to get max out of each plant. Food and lighting period. Thanks.
  3. Z

    Welcome New Members!

    What's going on fellow pot heads. I need some help and what better place to get it. Well I'm trying to grow 5 autos in DWC setup. I have 600 watt hps system. My question is with the autos how much light each one needs. Also I need to kn what kind of food shld I give. Thanks for the help.
  4. Z

    Welcome New Members!

    What's going on fellow pot heads.
  5. Z

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey what's up. New to growing and I need some help.