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  1. S

    pests plant

    Ok thanks dude
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    pests plant

    Soooo I woke up this morning and to my horror one of my plants has been eaten by something. They are still at the sprout stage but ive noticed one of the two new leaves has been nibbled theres only like a quater of a leaf left, almost caterpillar like. But I searched the catterpillars...
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    need advice

    Thanks man
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    need advice

    I see I should have said from start, they have been outside from start even germinated using soil like literally just planted straight from seed and only put inside at bad. Im not so sure dudes coz this strain can grow outside in finland! Look it up seems like a pretty dam hardy strain...
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    need advice

    Hey my seed has sprouted been growing for about 5 days seems to be doing well looking healthy. I was just wondering when would you guys advise moving this baby outside? In other words when will it be "strong" enough? I live in england so thw weathers pretty unpredictable, im growing lowryder...
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    just sprouted :D now I have questions

    Ok so my seed sprouted yesterday or maybe 2 days ago.i dropped the tap root and thoufht I was done for so kinda forgot about it. Currently its in my garden but I live with parents so its gotta be moved they think im growing peppers atm hehe, when would you say its strong enough to "fend for...
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    am I doing this right? (others personal experienc)

    All good now, sprouted yesterday. Thanks again people x
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    am I doing this right? (others personal experienc)

    Ok thanks guys, ill try your method vega
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    lowryder #2 outdoor uk guerilla grow

    Ok that's good then, as long as its not everyday. Thanks na the spot is safe its just long to explain. Lets hope I get some nice buds
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    am I doing this right? (others personal experienc)

    Im currently germinating using the straight to dirt technique, 1.soak seed for an hour 2. Give dirt light misting of water with spray bottle 3. Leave in direct sunlight with cling film over the top to keep it moist/humid. Will this work? And when can I expect to see a sprout? Its an auto...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hello! Any experienced uk guerilla growers out there? I did post a thread but in short im growing lowryder#2, what is the minimum amount of times you would recommend visiting the grow spot? Ive heard its a pretty hardy plant this shit has been known to grow outdoors in finland! Im in England...
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    lowryder #2 outdoor uk guerilla grow

    Hey currently im germinating my lowryder 2 seeda for a guerilla grow, soon ill need to plant them so heres my question. Does lowryder 2 need to be regularly checked up on? Its just I have the perfect spot but I have to pass some houses to get to it and some may view it as breaking and entering...