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  1. T

    Are there any DIY, ways to make benificials? They dont sell in my aquashield country.

    so many different approaches churchhaze, I added mycoroot last night and the section that was submerged has grown thousands of little white lateral roots, the top unsubmerged roots didnt have that rapid growth seen over the last 24h. That was also in a i have control/isolated plants, none of...
  2. T

    Struggling with this seeding for a month now. Help pls

    Not sure if its a mutant or if im doing something wrong. Please have a look its OG genetics i dont want to lose her. nutes are at 0.1, water temp 78, cab temp 86, ph 5,8, roots white(short). The leaves first look like they gonna be fine then they curl or get brown spots, this plant is very...
  3. T

    Are there any DIY, ways to make benificials? They dont sell in my aquashield country.

    Yo superstoner, Is that the answer then to get the bacteria I need get chicken shit liquefy, strain and put it in an aerobic environment at a warm temp and allow it to multiply or are you saying its just NPK ect.
  4. T

    Are there any DIY, ways to make benificials? They dont sell in my aquashield country.

    I bought some mycoroot(for soil I couldn't get mycogrow) and put 10grams in a teabag and submerged it in my dwc to add some mycorrhizal fungi to the res and hopefull make the roots more robust. (this is all experimental and out of desperation because im watching root rot really slowly take my...
  5. T

    Are there any DIY, ways to make benificials? They dont sell in my aquashield country.

    Hi I'm looking to make something like aquashield, are there any natural ways of sourcing concentrated beneficials for my dwc? edit* the title is wrong my bad
  6. T

    Can you add rocks to the bottom of your dwc, to breed more beneficial bacteria?

    Can you add rocks to the bottom of your dwc, to breed more beneficial bacteria? Like in a fish tank
  7. T

    Brown Roots - Could this just be from the brown Biobizz nutes I use?

    Use H202 to fix and upgrade your air pump, your roots are mostly drowning. Your plants look too young to be developing this problem. If you dont fix it in the next few days you will lose the plants. use a 2ml of 10% per liter.
  8. T

    New to Forums, First time growing.

    Thanks for the help, I'm going to cover the containers with scotch-lite.:peace:
  9. T

    New to Forums, First time growing.

    Hey buddy I'm so sorry I didn't read the entire instruction manual before starting to grow, I am growing for medical purposes my Gf is sick and she needs the stuff, we cant afford to buy cause medical grade cost so much here. but I do apologize for not going about it in the correct manner.
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    New to Forums, First time growing.

    So i flushed the Kalpak and it has dyed my roots green, I imagine they put a dye in it to make plants look like they are getting healthier. I'm gonna stay away from these types of products from now on. The roots still feel healthy and because of the small reservoir, the amount of chlorine from...
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    New to Forums, First time growing.

    Yes I said Ill do it?
  12. T

    New to Forums, First time growing.

    Light proof is a good Idea ill do that in case of algae, but I saw the water go from clear to green before my eyes as i mixed it. The plants bounced back from bad nutrient burn because of the stuff. Whats your take on the lighting? This is what the manufatoure say about there product the green...
  13. T

    New to Forums, First time growing.

    I'm moving my thread from the welcome section to here ill include everything that was there. Anyway there isn't much going on in the welcome thread what do you think of the green water?
  14. T

    Welcome New Members!

    The green is from a Organic Seaweed growth regulator to help with root, shoot and flower development. I had some nutrient burn so i pulled back the nuts to a Quarter strength and added the regulator. its been in for about 3 days and the plants are loving it. Just TOP'ed one of my plants, FIM'ed...
  15. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi I'm new to the forum Id like to start a grow journal, but it doesn't look like i have permissions. So it my first time growing, I'm about 4 weeks in to the grow. I have had so many troubles but I've learned tons and it has been a great project. I'd like to show off what I've done so far and...