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  1. M

    When to transplant?

    Any suggestions? I got the buckets and everything but dont wanna transplant til i know what im doing for sure. I looked threw a lot of guides but none really described how to do it in my situation with the intertwined roots.
  2. M

    What is wrong with my plant?

    Or possibly to less of water? Someone once told me if there yellow and droopy theirs not enough water if there dark green and super droopy theirs to much water...but that also was a guy from the 70s who said it that that did a little to much acid . So I could be totally wrong, Just saying.
  3. M

    When to transplant?

    Alright il def keep that in mind for next time..and yes I actually read all of it xrangex lol and it usually gets around mid 60s. As for if I do go inside im not sure what il do yet not even sure what a HID is lol I gotta couple months to think and do some math on the cost, research, and what...
  4. M

    When to transplant?

    So just about 5 weeks ago I got bored and decided to throw some of my best reg seeds from some shake I had into a random potting bowl with fresh soil and put it outside and water it( Didnt germinate, Like I said was bored and just did it to see what would happen). Sure enough about a week later...
  5. M

    transportation on plane

    I say dont do it for a couple reasons. The main reason is you're already nervous about it and airports do more than check your luggage. They check people out as in they will look to see if your sweating, moving your hands, ect ect and that right there will make them search everywhere no matter...
  6. M

    Re injecting?

    So its been over a little 2 weeks since I put my jars in incubation chamber. 1 Jar is doing great and the other 2 are doing completely nothing My question is instead of redoing it all, could I just try injecting them again? or just try waiting a bit longer? I got a feeling that when I injected...
  7. M

    Using a mixer for Substrate?

    Ok so there was a little bit of water left but def not an inch...maybe I had the stove up to high? Im not a very good chef in the first place I just pretty much cook everything on high if it requires a stove so maybe boiling it on 7/10 the whole time was a bad idea? And yes I read my PC manual...
  8. M

    Using a mixer for Substrate?

    Ok well I made 3 jars 2 with electric and one with spoon so guess il see which one does better even though its kinda a odd number lol. I'm not sure what the method im using is called but its this one
  9. M

    Using a mixer for Substrate?

    Should there still be water left in the cooker when its done cooling? Also chem this thread has nothing to do with acid. Now what about the electric mixer?
  10. M

    Using a mixer for Substrate?

    So my first time growing mushrooms and on the guide it says to use a mixing spoon..but doesn't specify if a electric mixer is alright or not. I'm guessing theirs a possible reason not to because of the clumps you get with a spoon to make air pockets? I just know it would save a lot of time...