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  1. E

    Caculating exhaust CFM (small box) - confused

    Wow, 1.4CFM! HA. Crazy! So in terms of air exchange, one exhaust PC fan would do fine. Right?
  2. E

    Caculating exhaust CFM (small box) - confused

    Hi all, I know that to figure out (roughly) how much CFM my fan needs to exhaust adequately, i need to use the following formula Length x Width x Height = Cubic Ft, then Divide by (5), (6), (7) or however many minutes you want new air to be replaced. Box dimensions are: Width 32cm, Length...
  3. E

    soil/water ph level; confused... worrys. I thaught i'll just take one of these suitcases (i've got 2 big ones). I donno though, it might look a little bit bait (going into a hydro shop with a suitcase like that) what do people reckon? It would be very easy to carry 50L of soil with this thing though.
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    soil/water ph level; confused...

    I dont think they do that in UK. Do they? Anyone done this before? Regarding the fake name; i would think that they would want some sort of ID first. Dont they?
  5. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    You mean send it to a friend?
  6. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    Thanks leafysmell. Im gonna stick with Bio-Bizz All-mix soil though(at least for the time being). I think its gonna cause me less hasstle. what with all the nutes and stuff. 'bonz' has advised me quite a alot on it and the whole soil thing, it just feels more comfortable. What type of lighting...
  7. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    Did you use CFL's? If so, which ones/how many? and in what size of space? I cant seem to find "canna coco fibre" on growell. Can you give me a link? Also could you be more specific on the nutes. Which ones did you use? Oo, ye ye me to, me too.:hump: (*cough) ........ thats just stupid!!
  8. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    Bull shit! You've been nothing but brilliant help!!! And you certainly do know your stuff! Hes probably just jelous! (which thread?) What did the Admins say? "stop posting so much!"? HA! fuckin L! Yea i think with the amount of points you got now you could buy a car, all though i think you...
  9. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    I am/ I will. very helpful, thanks bonz! Do the digital testers work both for water and soil or do i need a separate one? very helpful, thanks again!
  10. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    Eh!? Did i not ask a question? I assumed i was correct; where did you get that?! As far as bringing ph UP, can i not use Baking soda?
  11. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    hehe, no worrys. i got it. ph buffer; i forgot to read about that! i will do tomorrow. I must shoot off to bed now, im pretty tired n got a big day tomorrow(lifting stuff) But so far, thanks for all the help. You've served me with some Very good stuff!!! Enjoy your buzz.
  12. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    hehe. im sure ill find some somewhere. Last question for today(need to go sleep) I've read in some places that nutes can raise the ph, is this true? PS- look what i found :D
  13. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    yea i guess that would make sence. ok ill get some gravel/rocks. How did you go about sterilizing it? Cook it? :D
  14. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    ok. i was gonna put a layer of perlite. Would that make much diff instead of rocks/peagrit?
  15. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    thanks bonz. and ye, it does appear to contain baltic peat moss. How much vermiculite would you say i should add? 8 parts of All-mix to 1 part verm? or something.? also do black colour pots make any difference instead of them brown ones? do they keep more warm?
  16. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    ye, its got 30% perlite. would i still need to add vermiculite? the website is: GroWell > Hydroponics, Grow Lights, Grow Rooms & Plant Lighting
  17. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    Im looking at my hydroshop's catalog and theres acctually not that much to choose from. They dont have pro-mix. They do have Bio-Bizz All-Mix. Bio-Bizz All-Mix is unlike anything you will find in a garden centre. It contains a blend of baltic peat moss, compost, worm castings, perlite and a...
  18. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    Im in uk. we got B&Q instead, n homebase. I could go down to a hydro shop but its quite alot further. And MG sounded good because of the 3 months of nutes it had. If i was to go down to the hydroshop what soil would you recomend? do they have nutes inside? I dont really want to put any...
  19. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    Just ordinary Miracle grow. Apperently its ph is 5.1. I havent had time to go down and check in the shop. so dont worry about the soil ph? I also read that baking soda can do that. Thats ok right? No i werent planning on using anything besides molasses, unless i have too. Im going by the book...
  20. E

    soil/water ph level; confused...

    hi all, Im a bit confused on this whole ph thing. I know that the optimum water ph is 6.2-6.3 but what i dont uderstand is the soil ph. If my soil has a ph level of 5.1 do i have to add on to that so its 6.2? Im totally confused! Sorry for such a stupid question.