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  1. N

    is Molasses a good flowering nutrient??

    so can you use it for every water including when you are adding nutes? Do you add the molasses in first then your Big Grow or what not? I have heard great things about it in soil grows and want to try it when mine are ready to flower. Thanks
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Hey Doc, I went ahead and bought some floros like you advised. I picked up 2 24" fixtures that each hold 2 T12 20 watt 6500k bulbs. So is 4 20 watt bulbs enough to start seedlings under for the first month until I move them under my 400 watt MH. I want to start with 8-10 16 oz cups. Thanks...
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    Maintaining A Mother

    so how do you start a mother? to you get it to show sex by putting it in 12/12 and then putting it back to 18/6? or do you just have to get it from another mother/clone?
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    I need help with choosing a bong!

    I love my double chambered rOOr, but my Illadelph with the glycerine (sp?) chamber in the middle is sick. You throw it in the freezer for about 2 hours and it stays frozen for almost 8. I like the new glass on glass Zong's too. I had a Illadelph ash-catcher for each tube but have broken all 3...
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Thanks! It is the teal FF soil bag so I am pretty sure it is OF. I will bring my light up 2 feet if you think that they will still get enough light, which they probably will with the mylar. Should I start in smaller pots with a CFL next time around? I also got distilled water from wally world...
  6. N

    What's the most potent strain YOU'VE grown / smoked?

    Grapefruit is amazing!! I just got a bag of it for the first time last week and am blown away. Same dude also had "Sensi Star" a couple months ago and I know that those are going to be on my next order. My order is going to be Jack Herar, Sensi Star, and Master Kush
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Doc and Mr H, thank you for your time answering all of these questions and I have learned so much reading the past 30 or so pages. This is going to be a great reference thread! I posted about 2 weeks ago in the newbie section and still have no resolution. This is what I have: Fox Farm Ocean...
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    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    so if you start in FF Ocean Forest do you not nute until 4 weeks? Should I start in another FF next time? thanks
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    Almost time for a haircut

    those look amazing! how do you re-grow off a plant you just harvested?
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    HTG Grow Bright 6" inline fan

    i have the 6 inch one and I think it is loud. I still have no carbon filter hooked up to it but I hope it quiets down when I do.
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    Newb 400 MH Grow, Yellow Leaves=Death

    wow that last pic is sick!! I hope that the pull through and thanks for all your help. i will keep updated pics coming
  12. N

    Newb 400 MH Grow, Yellow Leaves=Death

    the first one has developed very pale yellow leaves and they look like they are drying out. the second has slightly yellow leaves but one has small dark spots on it. Tried to get good pics but my camara is old and garbage. The last pics are my newest ones that are only a week old and are...
  13. N

    lots of questions, got any answers? :)
  14. N

    Newb 400 MH Grow, Yellow Leaves=Death

    I am trying to be as careful as possible but I am in a townhome that I own so I am really just worried about maybe my light bill and noise. Pretty decent wall insulation and the one next door that would hear anything is single and always traveling. It is just me and my girl so I do want to...
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    Newb 400 MH Grow, Yellow Leaves=Death

    Thanks! I think I am thinking this way to far and need to focus more on the natural part of growing rather then just the science. I have the extra closest split right in half to have one side veg and one side bloom. There is plywood on the floor and so is the divider. They are both sealed with...
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    Newb 400 MH Grow, Yellow Leaves=Death

    more pics of them as of this hour, looking worse and more yellow then yesterday and I still have no clue how to keep them healthy!!!
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    Newb 400 MH Grow, Yellow Leaves=Death

    Let me first start by saying THANK YOU to everyone on RIU. I have learned everything from just this site and that great search button. I am 2 weeks in my first grow and really need some help. I have hit every idea that i could think of in the search button and still no fix. What I got; Fox...
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    prices of weed?....

    shit I would love some good fire for under 400 a zip. Any real nice buds besides beasters are 400-575 a zip here on the east coast
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    Getting Started: Does This Stuff Look Good?

    is there anywhere else to buy mylar besides a hydro shop? I have been searchig for a shop where I live and have had no luck.
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    Problem w/ ordering from Dr. Chronic

    do they deliver to any state in the country?