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  1. Z

    Looking for info on Automatic lemon skunk

    It can't be true, that noone know about this sort? :O
  2. Z

    Looking for info on Automatic lemon skunk

    First of all hi everyone, nice to be on this forum as it have brought me lots of info! :) I have recently ordered a pack of Automatic lemon skunk seeds, which I should receave in the next couple of days. Tomorrow - or the day after - I need to go and buy some of the last equipment that I need...
  3. Z

    Wanting to try vertical grow - GroWall anyone know these?

    Hi iloveit and thanks for your reply. I have seen Heaths different setups, that man is briliant. The main reason I was looking at the GroWall was the price. Where I live its rather expensive to buy tubes, wood and all the other stuff I would need to build it my self. Am currently running a...
  4. Z

    Wanting to try vertical grow - GroWall anyone know these?

    Hi everyone. :) I have been wanting to try a vertical grow for some time now, and now the time have come. :D I've found this wall: which I am considering to buy. Im having some troubles contacticing Hydroponics.ue though...
  5. Z

    using uv lights

    Ok, will change my focus to something els then. Thanks both of you :)
  6. Z

    using uv lights

    ok. So not really worth using uv lights then. Thanks for the reply
  7. Z

    using uv lights

    Hey everyone. I am in the middle of starting my first grow, really excited about it. So far everything is going as planed, so good so far :) I remember to have read somewhere about using ultra violet bulbs, but I cant remember or seem to find, when it was to use these bulbs. Could someone...
  8. Z

    The best system for a large commercial grow

    Yeah thats a pretty good point with the price vs. the outcome. For how long a period of time do you normaly have your plants in the "wheel" from the point where you put them there until you can harvest them?
  9. Z

    The best system for a large commercial grow

    Here's another interesting site to check if you want to go largerscale:
  10. Z

    The best system for a large commercial grow

    Igrowhydro you can check - Omega Gardens™: Industry Leading Hydroponics Designs for Indoor Gardening for more information about their Volksgarden version - the one showen in the image posted by naturalhigh. Have my self thought about it, seems really nice. Am just not sure that...