Search results

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    ever lost weed?

    ya i never found any ... lost quite a bit... housekeepers probabaly a stoner :)
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    ever lost weed?

    Have you ever lost weed? doesnt matter how much or how wether it was from making bad brownies or forgetting where you put your stash.
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    switzerland voteing on the legalization of marijuana soon!!

    I know someone in switzerland that told me that they are voteing soon to legalize marijuana. luckily they will vote yes and mabey things will go back to the way they were in the late 90's when the cops dident care if you grew football fields worth of marijuana. I was mainly trying to ask if...
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    Daja vu

    i get deja vu all the time like 2-4 times a day ussually very weak and not very intense , but i think its fun .. i think i would almost descirebe it as a "high" :peace:
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    What's your theory of life, the Universe and everything...

    my theory on life is the god is controling us all the time and our purpose in like is to gain total self control and smokeing weed helps that happen , also i belive that light make everything all of our minds put together make the world we live in all of our minds act as one and create...
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    how to name my hookah

    I got a reallt nice 4 tube hookah durring the summer and i dont know what to name it i have a couple ideas but i would like some opinions or suggestions just to help influence the name, it has a green vase with blue stripes going up it and a metal stem going up to the try with a big green clay...
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    Marijuana Shisha

    great thanks for the avice :D but does anyone know if it would work with dried chocolate syryp rather than dried fruit?
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    Creation Vs. Evolution

    well who cares what one is real .. creation make a way cooler story than us all slowly becomeing the same thing over time..i like the thing whre something just kinda said "what the hell i'll show dave i can run a universe" and he just started making the world and stuff and eved up proving dave...
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    Post Your Poetry

    Them Toad Suckers How about Them Toad Suckers, Ain't they clods? Sittin' there suckin' Them green toady-frogs. Suckin' them hop-toads, Suckin' them chunkers, Suckin' them leapy types, Suckin' them plunkers. Look at Them Toad Suckers, Ain't they snappy? Suckin' them bog-frogs Sure...
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    My First Try At Flash

    you should tottaly do that thats an exelent idea!!!
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    New Avatar W00t

    nicely done keep up the tokes and the work
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    Personal Jesus

    I was just wondering if anyone on here has there own personal beliefs or religion that is not an actual religion but simpily personal belifs i have my own personal religion kind of ... i kind of belive that there is a god and it created the universe (or was among this universe many years ago...
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    True Happiness

    1) happy people , good happy attention , getting a reward or result of hard work 2) i like happy people they give me something to be happy about , i like attention because i guess i just like to comunicate or intercat with other people , i like getting a reward after doing work or working on...
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    The Path Of Love

    i was a vegitarian for about 3-4 months .. but then i stoped abecause i was moving into a new home and i dident want the people who aggreed to take care of me to have to worry about my diet ... but i must say almost every time i eat meat i wish i was a vegitarian again
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    Great Stoner Quotes

    me: "oh a frog lick it!!!" friend starts chaseing the frog me: "no dont lick it you might give it mono!!!"
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    toad licking!!!

    ok i guesss i failed on getting my specific question accross: i just want to know if anyone has tried smokeing 5-Me0-DMT (a hallucinatory substance that can be found in the venom of a calarodo river toad) and also if you have tried is what kind of enviornment should i do it in and who should i...
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    toad licking!!!

    good news toads can get you high !!! bad new you cant lick them to achieve the high ... now many of you im sure have heard about toad licking now i have done my reasearch and found out that you shouldent lick them and you should milk them and smoke the dried venom i was wanting to get one...
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    Marijuana Shisha

    i was wondering if anyone had instructions to make marijuana shisha for hookah use .. i have heard of people just mixing the two but i was wondering if it is possible to make it with just weed and no tabbaco ... if you do know of a way to make some could you please include measurements .. thanks...
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    how much per eighth?

    acctually i had abot 3.5 grams and half was shake ... i made it into brownies and got pretty high ... and anyways eating is the most heathy way to comsume marijuana ... at least from my prespective :joint:-roll a j , save the day-:peace:
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    rare purple marijuana seed ... makes a wierd , AWSOME plant?

    well from what i heard leaves and stems would pop out but you are supposed to cut them off ... the guy who told me wasent just blowing smoke up my ass he said he had seen them before and he knows his stuff...