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    First Time Grower a couple of questions

    Thanks for the tips douja :D I had them in water for 24 hours and paper towel for just under 48 hours. And i will have to drill some more wholes then :p And the reason for outside is i am 20 and still live with my mother, so trying to hide them in the early stages since they wont be planted on...
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    3 week white widow.

    beautiful plant bro, looks very healthy!
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    First Time Grower a couple of questions

    Thnaks for the tip douja, i have been browsing the forum like crazy. The seeds have been germinating for approx 74 hours. Today i planted the seeds in soil in individual styrofoam cups. Then i put them outside, where the shouldnt be seen :| , then watered them with a spray bottle. The one...
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    First Time Grower a couple of questions

    I will for sure man, it will be cool to see the progress pics B) im from ontario Canada, so we are prob gettin the same rain. :p
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    First Time Grower a couple of questions

    lol ya man, its crazy, even though its so early in the growing stages it has turned into a hobby,,,, checkin my seeds, browsing the forum etc LOL And thanks man i will do ! :D
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    First Time Grower a couple of questions

    I decided to leave the seeds in the bag for now as most of the seeds havent tap rooted... Im not liking this lol :/ . I think im just getting a little 2 anxious, it has only been about 54 hours. (Thoughts???????) I didnt plant them in dirt yet because i dont have any potting soil (i do have some...
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    First Time Grower a couple of questions

    Im not a 100% sure if they are green crack, he said something to me a few days before he gave me the seeds about green crack and OG kush, he has grown this strain before and has been successful with it. When i see him next i will clarify.
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    First Time Grower a couple of questions

    Thank you guys so much for all the info!! So helpful! Anyways, i emptied the seeds out of the cup to find 1 had tap rooted about 2mm, 3 the shell had split, and the other 5 still looked intact (from what i could see) So i decided to throw them in a moist paper towel for now. I plan to check...
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    First Time Grower a couple of questions

    So here is the deal, this is my very first grow ever, I have 9 seeds that were givin to me from a friend, he says they are 'green crack'. This will be an outdoor grow. Anyways, i am on the 28th hour of germinating. (i put them in a cup of water and let them sink to the bottom, and left them in...