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  1. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    damn its been a long ass time since i posted. heres whats happened in the past couple of days... my first seedling never came up so i gave up and put another one in the cup. this was on friday and i came back sunday froma trip to my girlfriends brothers apartment. i check on the situation and...
  2. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    and yes that is the soil im using
  3. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    i forgot to put those sprouts in the soil last night but itll do it tonight if i get a chance, but the one that i had in the clear cup hasnt come up so im figuring it died or something
  4. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    by the way what does everyone think of that soil... is it legit to use?
  5. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    wow imnot even high and i totally fucked that sentence up lol
  6. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    well thanks for the input and i will definitely folllow your instructions and since i only had one seed in a clear cup i will put the newly germinated seeds in different types of containers later on tonight when i get a chance i will put the new seeds in a different container
  7. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    i already told you my son
  8. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    alright well ill keep this one in the clear cup and when they others are ready to pot ill put them in a diff type of cup
  9. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    i believe im using expert gardener perfect mix
  10. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    what do you suggest i use instead
  11. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    today i checked up on my seeds and sure enough of the seeds had sprouted. i got a clear cup and put some soil in it and then put the seed in it and watered it. i attached some pics too so give me feedbackif i should do anything
  12. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    also, how long should i grow my plants on the veg cycle before changing to the flower cycle
  13. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    the lights i am using are originally black lights but i went to the local ace hardware store and bought the lights that fit in them.. do you think those will work?
  14. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    no theres 9 seeds and would i be able to use city water from the tap if i let it sit out for like a day or two
  15. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    here is a picture of my germinating setup... its extremely easy, it only took a minute
  16. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    heres a pic of me germinating the seeds
  17. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    today my friend gave me his bag of seeds that he had been saving for a while. There were about 130 seeds in the bag. i took out 9 white seeds because ive heard that white seeds are usually female. i took the seeds, put them in a paper towel, then put the paper towel on a small plate. Then i put...
  18. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    are there certain types of nutes i could get at the local nursery/agway
  19. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    Noob Grower

    hello me and my friend are living in CT and we are planning on growing about 6 plants. We have lots of seeds, two 48 inch 40 watt fluorescent tubes, red party cups, bottled poland springs water, small fan.. thats all i can think of right now.. if you have any questions or if you think theres...
  20. i want 2 get hiiigh 420

    do you think she's ready?

    how long did you grow the plants out before changing to the 12-12 cycle