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    dead plants with pic, please help :(

    guys , I like you all for these kindly answers and cares.... :) I wanted to ask you for the last issue that is measurement , is it fine that I mix my ex soil with the worm compost ? could you please give me the percent ? 30 % soil and 70 % worms ? is it gonna be ok ?
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    dead plants with pic, please help :(

    thanks everyone, today I bought some perfect "worm compost soil" for two pots, is it good for growing ?
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    dead plants with pic, please help :(

    I'm glad that I've changed your mind about Iranians :) good luck southerner! THC UP! ;)
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    dead plants with pic, please help :(

    thank you guys , I will buy a super perfect soil tomorrow and start again from zero :D GET STONE!!!
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    dead plants with pic, please help :(

    thank you ,I bought the soil recently, but maybe that is cheap and you are right by the way 3 inches?! isn't it too close? my country is Islamic Republic of Iran (not republic indeed)
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    dead plants with pic, please help :(

    I planted two seeds ( unknown seeds) from my dealer product and i put the pots one meter below two 40w florecent lamps 14 hours daily and i dont have any fan but i opened my balcony door which is near the plants everyday for many hours, and normal watering , but after 15 days my plants are...