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  1. M

    Rotating gardens

    doctorgreeneggsandham, are you sure about the price? How big is this contrapion? the one I'm talking about holds about six hundred plants and cost about three or four thousand dollars. I saw a huge one planned for urban growth sometime in the future. If they are to be used by cities they must...
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    Rotating gardens

    doctorgreeneggsandham, I've seen them for far less that what you quoted, more like 3,000/6,000 depending on where and whom you buy from, holding about 600 plants or so. You do think that they are good producers tho? I see that they are being considered for urban growing by some cities, so they...
  3. M

    Rotating gardens

    Has any body ever used any of the new rotating growing machines I've seen advertised in various places? Is this the new trend in hydroponics? Some of them are massive, up to six hundred plants. My question is do they work as well as advertised?:wall:
  4. M

    So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

    You guys scare me, is this the way to treat a person that you break up with? A bunch of small thinking dudes.
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    So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

    Okay, you want to fuck her shit up, but you don't want to confront her new man, ha ha you don't want your own blood spilled, sound like a scared little boy to me.:hump:
  6. M

    So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

    You really need to grow up, how can you punish some one for giving away their own body. She, and she alone decides what and who she want's.
  7. M

    So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

    Time to move on dude, killing her will send you to a place where there are no women, imagine what that will be like. Shit happens, and if you are as young as you sound, this will happen to you again. Grow up and move on.
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    Bush gets shoes thrown at him

    Cannabox, the flawed thinking is yours, if you are paying attention; he is getting support from news media around the world. He lost family members to bushs' crimal bombings. I think that what he did reflexs what most Iraqi's feel, they would like to do more than throw shoes at the monster.
  9. M

    Female ejaculation Poll

    Khemi, the "G"spot is behind the clitoris, about one or two inces in, so pointing your fingers down is the wrong direction. You don't know what you are talking about. You will find a swelling about the size of a walnut, pressure on thai usually gets good results. It helps if she is really wet.
  10. M

    How to make a million ..... ? then i am buying a house in spain ;)

    You have to have a crew, and balls the size of the super dome or insane, either will work for you. Then luck out the kazoo, the skills to keep the cops and the bad guys at bay, not counting all of the things you can't prepare for, then you might make it. Good luck:hump:
  11. M

    Entrapment? Arrested for intent to sell

    Cops don't have to tell you the truth, and have been known to out right lie. wouldn't depend on that too much.
  12. M

    Weed and Airport security

    There are probably people here that can/will help you with an asshole streching, prolly won't cost you anything either. Naturally fixed.
  13. M

    Weed and Airport security

    As I stated in another post, saw a dog almost lift a lady off her feet sniffing her puss, she was led away. Can they smell it inside your body? maybe she had something inside her panties. She was in shock as she was taken away.
  14. M

    Weed and Airport security

    Japan is the last place you'd want to get caught smuggling dope, by the time you got back home you'd be speaking fairly good Japanese and adept with chopsticks, not to mention learned to like fish head soup. Besides you'd never know when they were talking about getting some of your goodies...
  15. M

    Weed and Airport security

    Big risk! You can get weed in Japan, it sells for about $100 per .5 gram, on the streets, or about $350 for about 10 grams if you know somebody. :spew:I'm not talking skunk or anything like that, usually more like snuff with seeds.
  16. M

    Weed and Airport security

    I know of a lady in Korea now that's in a whole lot of shit for having her mom ship her weed in peanut butter. the question was probably raised as to why ship peanut butter to a place where it can be bought? thus the box was checked, and she will be a long time getting home.
  17. M

    Weed and Airport security

    I saw a dog almost lift a lady off her feet sniffing her puss, he was as happy as the cop that led her away.
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    Weed and Airport security

    You don't want take it in a carry on bag!
  19. M

    Going to England for a trip how can I sneak weed?

    Not being a welfare nigger, means that you are probably a white boy, no prob, you don't go to jail any way.
  20. M

    How to survive prison?

    What the fuck is this prison 101? ur a joke.