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  1. kevintheskin

    1000W HPS lighting question

    i want some of what the guy above me has !!!!!! i wish i had the skill to pull off that much bud. i also have a 1000 watter and she is working fine....
  2. kevintheskin

    160w fluorescent grow under $100 total.

    looks nice bro! keep up the good work ! hope mine turn out just as good......
  3. kevintheskin

    Quasi Ghetto Grow

    trial and error buddy. thats how i learned. i actually used the same germinating kit. i started 132 seeds in it and it worked well for me, all of them sprouted, at first about 40 something were going but some were weak, my dog ate a few,ect... so now i got 12 really good ones. all about 2 months...
  4. kevintheskin

    Ruler sized plant

    sounds like it wasnt meant to be! i am fortunate enough to live with some people who gave me a whole room to grow in. i now have 12 plants all "ruler size" and they look great! but good luck with all that buddy!!!
  5. kevintheskin

    if i do use miracle gro...

    i always heard mg will mess your plants all up? then again i am a newbie....
  6. kevintheskin

    if i do use miracle gro...

    good stuff to know... thanks guys.