Search results

  1. I

    Searching for research chemical vendors (not asking for a handout)

    Well.m I want you out!! Mods - i posted a thread asking for assistance and Cccmints jumped on it and started to lecture me and offered nothing to the thread whatsoever. Ban? ;)
  2. I

    horror stories!!!
  3. I

    horror stories!!!

    Took an RC called Whack' which was banned after a weekend in ireland at a party down in the south east. Didnt come down off it or sleep the whole weekend and arrived back up in dublin Sunday night. Girlfriend called the cops twice Sunday night and Monday morning because i kept hearing and...
  4. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    Yea your right actually i have smoked spice and smoke 3 and i have slept thro alarm clocks, way worse than any dope. The stuff i was smokng was Bonzai which has a real high buzz and definately no sleep effects the next morning. Its no longer in production and i had been ordering a homemade...
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    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    Nope life not too boring, just find ive a much clearer head going into work after smoking jwh compared to dope! Work hard play hard, maybe you should try it ccbobs
  6. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    Bath salts are mephedrone, mcat meow meow etc. Its an ecstasy alternative. Completly differant to jwh
  7. I

    Searching for research chemical vendors (not asking for a handout)

    Oh my god so funny, do i irritate you by offering the link to other people? Have i broken any rules on this site in order to get barred? Remember it was a mod who pm me the link. Now go away before i do an Irish fart in your mouth..
  8. I

    R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

    I think what you say about addiction might sound ideal but if your a crack addict who needs a hit, will you order it off SR and wait a week or run up to your local drug dealer?
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    R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

    Shit i only found this website a month ago and then it gets shutdown. I ordered a gram of 70% pure hi heat cocaine just under two days before it was shut down. I never checked the status to see if it was shipped. Hope Ulterect gets off with everything, poor guy he doesn't look like he is suited...
  10. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    PM me for link
  11. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    Received a perfect gram of jwh-250 this morning in the post! Lot of scam websites out there. A lot of American shites on this website. Roll on 9/14.. :)
  12. I

    Searching for research chemical vendors (not asking for a handout)

    - I received a perfect gram of jwh-250 in the post this morning. PM me for the link anyone.. Dont mind all the bitches on here. Ha!
  13. I

    Research Chemical Vendors...that aren't scams

    Boybill - I received a perfect gram of jwh-250 in the post this morning. Don't mind all the bitches on here. IM pm you the link now!! Ha
  14. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    And anyway, at least I got my 250! :)
  15. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    I never once said America was a shitty place! Ive been to new York and thought it was an amazing city actually!
  16. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    Nice work skuxx, I'm sure the likes of you does the US proud! LOL
  17. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    Their contains the word he. Therefore you use their when referring to people. Skuxx you came on to mock me for my granmer but its you who's wrong. Oh my god you stupid idiot made a fool of himself stoner!! :) :)
  18. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    I don't get it? Are you trying to be sarcastic or do you believe my grammer to be incorrect?
  19. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    Their just pure... IDIOTS!!
  20. I

    Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

    p$i007 whatever man. I got sorted so I don't really give a shite anymore!! Roll on homeland in 15 minutes! At least the idiots in America didn't shutdown the tv stations today. Idiots!