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  1. Silvers865

    New grower new to roll it up!!

    Thank you i appreciate it
  2. Silvers865

    pics of the room

    Thanks I appreciate it
  3. Silvers865

    pics of the room

    Here's a couple pics of the room week 6 of flower super silver haze
  4. Silvers865


    I took off about 5 lbs of foliage with prolly that much more left on my plants and with in 4 days I noticed how much better the buds were doing
  5. Silvers865

    Day and night time temps in a perfect room

    I keep my room at no higher than 80 in the day and try to keep it about 67 at night
  6. Silvers865

    super silver haze

    This is week 4 of flower this is just 1 of 19 under 2400watts
  7. Silvers865

    New grower new to roll it up!!

    2400watts under two adjus-a-wings advanced nutrients and promix with perlite earthworm castings and fish bone meal
  8. Silvers865

    New grower new to roll it up!!

    Super silver haze I can't give up all my secrets first thread... I figured newbie to rollitup
  9. Silvers865

    New grower new to roll it up!!

    How's everyone doing? Any comments appreciated
  10. Silvers865

    How long for roots to develop in cloning machine?

    Day 6 in a ez cloner there are maybe 2 that havdnt popped yet but now its like day 9 and they're all rooted nicely
  11. Silvers865

    New grower new to roll it up!!

    Hey just wondering what you guys think these plants are taken from a few mothers they were in a cloner for 10 days and they've been in soil now for 3 weeks