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  1. C

    Pls help my baby

    Yeah I got you... Rookie mistake, I have fox farm happy frog but I thought THAT would give burns, instead of plain old nutrientless dirt lol but I'll take your advice and not water for a bit and see what happens, if it looks ok then it's ok, thanks so much!
  2. C

    Pls help my baby

    I'm using plain dirt from my backyard and it's mixed with peat moss, maybe a bit of manure in there I'm not sure though. And I'm guessing the only way I could get nute burn is from the possible manure. Thanks for that info!
  3. C

    Pls help my baby

    Hi I've had this little guy in soil for about a week now (from seed to now) and today I noticed a bit of burning on the round leaves... Should I cut the burnt part off with a sterile blade? Or leave it..? It's in normal dirt from my yard mixed with some peat moss and I only water with distilled...
  4. C

    Happy Frog w/ manure???

    Why is the picture upside down......
  5. C

    Happy Frog w/ manure???

    Hey guys, I've recently switched my outdoor grow site, and am now awaiting seeds I bought from The Single Seed Centre. I've bought 5 auto-flower white widow seeds, and plan to plant them(after germination) in a 1/3 FF Happy Frog, 1/3 steer manure and 1/3 native soil mixture, in pre-dug holes in...
  6. C

    Would this work???

    hahaha, i might just get real fit!:-P But thanks for that info about how much you water... i had no idea water ran out that quick! Then this whole res system shouldn't be too good, i'll stick to watering cans.
  7. C

    Expert advice for soil please!!

    Ahh, alright thanks guys!
  8. C

    Would this work???

    I'll just use a can then. I was Hoping since there's water already in the reservoir (20 gallons) then i would be carrying water up there less frequently and just using the res water. By doing so i would be making things easier on my self :/ i guess i'll just use cans then, thanks guys!
  9. C

    Expert advice for soil please!!

    Will do, but is there anything wrong with chicken manure?
  10. C

    Would this work???

    I'm trying to make watering easier on myself, where all i have to do is open a cap and water the plants with a stream instead of using a watering can or buckets, etc. I'm not trying to water them at 50 yards away if that's what you thought the pvc pipe was for. Perhaps you mistook one of my...
  11. C

    Expert advice for soil please!!

    Hey everyone, I'd like to know if this soil is good enough for keeping my outdoor grow lush through 2-3 months. I'm growing Auto Pounder in a month, and i plan on digging a hole in the earth 2 feet wide both ways and 3 feet deep. In that hole I'll add ⅓ cow manure ⅓ chicken manure...
  12. C

    Would this work???

    The pvc pipe is 8 feet long (i'll make it longer if i should) and as for getting water up there, ill carry 5gal jugs of water up, and pour em into the 20gal reservoir buried underground, and repeat when the reservoir water is low, etc. Idk why but i feel like this won't work, though everything...
  13. C

    Would this work???

    Yes, they're both buried in the ground, and as for turning it on and off there will be a little screw on cap at the tip of the pvp pipe, so i'll just open the water flow from there. I guess as long as there's pressure in the jug (lots of water on top of the exit hole) then the water should come...
  14. C

    Would this work???

    damn really? this is my first.... so i guess ill have to see i'm cut out for it would you recommend i just do can watering for my first year? i'm growing autos btw so fairly quick harvests
  15. C

    Would this work???

    Hey guys, this is my first time posting on here because i need some help from people who have exp growing outdoors :/ so here's a diagram of what i plan to do, does anyone think it'l work? Or if not what are the flaws and how can i improve it. its an outdoor guerrilla grow on a hillside/mountain...