Search results

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    You need a lawyer. Don't know where you live or how much you had. Do you have any medical reason to use? If you found a Doctor that would help. As far as your neighbor, are you sure? That sounds real weak. Could it be a county worker? You have to's a harmless plant. Move where people...
  2. O

    Am I going to get busted or am I just Paranoid

    Bro, One plant? Relax....that chopper looks private. Probably mapping something. I understand the feeling. If they spent that much to get you...we'll go National !!!
  3. O

    detection from the air?

    Here is a search at There are hundreds, going back six years. i-40 drug bust - Search Results - Amarillo just search drug busts. The locals don't know or care. They get millions of dollars also. They use a seized motor-home. They sit in the rest area and look through the back...
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    How do they look 2

    Wow....very, very nice. Best I have seen this year.
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    detection from the air?

    The sniffer is unbelievable. Imagine this: You are driving through the Texas Panhandle on I-40. No matter how well you concealed your medicine, they instantly know. They use a chase vehicle to pull up next to you. They make up a reason to pull you over. They ask to search. You say no. They run...
  6. O

    detection from the air?

    They use a device called a military sniffer. It can detect a ppm. They have reprogrammed it to detect drugs. They have a Motorhome with what looks like a cheerleader megaphone on the side. It collects a analyzes the air. The little strip of paper inside bills tells the computer how much money...
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    detection from the air?

    They look for trash, near water. They look for paths. Fleer in the daytime. No way. They do have sniffers and money scanners on I-40. The instrament needed to detect it from the air? Not in your average chopper.
  8. O

    harvesting coming soon?? (Pics and Questions)

    The hardest thing to do is wait....I can't see anything I would cut in two weeks. Four to Six sounds more like it. They look nice, let them mature.