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  1. betaleo00x

    The green in the closet

    Damn man, that cola is lookin' pretty as hell lol.
  2. betaleo00x

    red light out of cfl's

    just get one with like 2700 K color temperature. that's warm light.
  3. betaleo00x


    I've heard of this as well, in an article by Dr. Atomic in CC magazine. He said leaving the lights out for 2-3 days before harvesting, the plan will assume its close to dying, so it pumps out resin to catch pollen in a last ditch effort to make seeds.
  4. betaleo00x

    i have a problem... and its yellow

    You shoudl try and keep track of the pH of the grow medium, and be sure it rests around 7. Also, during vegetative growth, you'll want more Nitrogen (N) than Phosphorus (P) or Potsassium (K), potentially 2:1:1, respectively.
  5. betaleo00x

    Welcome New Members!

    Ah, well I learned HTML with no trouble, CSS as well. I'm in the process of learning PHP and SQL (MySQL) right now.
  6. betaleo00x


    The auto-flowering plants are, to my knowledge, are from the Ruderalis species of cannabis. They have less THC than Indicas or Sativas, yet are short, and auto-flower due to the unchanging light cycles.
  7. betaleo00x

    Males produce THC too

    In fact, I'd say just take the males and make a lil bit of hash.
  8. betaleo00x

    first time

    The actual amount of "stretch" could be reduced with more internodal growth by using a red spectrum and a blue spectrum, with more emphasis on the red, during flowering. However, if you're looking for yield, I'd suggest doing secodary budding. This is where you, about 4 weeks into flowering...
  9. betaleo00x

    Males produce THC too

    Keeping males separate, while producing a miniscule amount of THC by comparison to females, would be to some benefit, but you have to factor in the cost of upkeep on the males. In my opinion, it would be better to toss them out, as if you kept them, you'd have to keep them away from the females...
  10. betaleo00x

    The green in the closet

    I was thinking about using CFL's myself for my first grow. Glad to see some good buds using CFL's. Keep up the good work!
  11. betaleo00x

    Welcome New Members!

    Well, I've been looking around on these forums for a little bit now, and I finally decided to start posting. I've been smokin for about 4 years, and have only recently become interested (greatly so) in cultivation. Aside from that interest which has brought me here, I also enjoy computer...
  12. betaleo00x

    Tube verses cfl lighting

    Very nice post, Spittn. I think you covered all fronts on that one, lol.
  13. betaleo00x

    Tube verses cfl lighting

    Really, I'm becoming a big fan of CFL's, as they put out more lumens/watt than their larger brethren, they're more compact, and (as far as I know) the CFL's upto 50 watts or so can be placed in a normal light socket. So, you could mount a standard light socket/fixture thing to a reflector, which...