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    Feedback on portable AC unit

    Agreed. Unless you have well vented aircooled hoods that unit wont be enough - dont forget the A/C units also add a bit heat themselves to the overall equation. But no they don't impact on C0 levels that I am aware of.....
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    As above - no mention of your nute strength but transplating can do this. Mine do sometimes. Raise the lights a little maybe and back off the nutes a little and wait - doesnt come good in a week or so or gets worse and you have a problem. FYI - I dont use Hydroton though.
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    light question ++rep

    Yeah I personally wouldn't do it all - I think it could cause them to stress a bit
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    Spraying "BUD ROT STOP" directly on your buds

    Only needed it once in week 4. Agree with previous post obviously, but blowing around air at 85% when its bucketing down outside probably wouldn't have stopped it. Stinks when you put it on too mate.
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    Spraying "BUD ROT STOP" directly on your buds

    Its pretty new here too - I used it as a preventative measure in high humidity (three weeks of heavy rain) no mould at all. May have worked can't really say. No impact on taste or smell at all. And spraying under HPS lights is fine cause you have to do it just after they turn off for 12 and...
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    Weird Buds - any ideas?

    Hey Sentinel - no I don't think so as its the same ferts as I have always definately a bloom solution. Any other thoughts?
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    Weird Buds - any ideas?

    Yeah thats what I was afraid of - thanks mate.
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    Weird Buds - any ideas?

    Hey Guys I am new here. And fairly new to growing. Having only grown one plant, cloned many times with really good results. This new plant grown from dutch seedbank seed (bigbud) is not what I am used to. Have searched and can't find any info or pictures like these. Basic Sytem - 1 plant to...