If you're interested in selling on the forum you will need an Elite account which will give you access to the classifieds and other forums to participate in. :)
Guys don't get chubby, only women do. Guys just get "bigger and stronger" lol.
I'm around your height and I weight 170... so I imagine that you are a twig. Kids say stupid shit to torment others, but you gotta let that be in the past broe.
I would rather be with someone that I'm happy with than concern myself with what my family would prefer I do. A grown ass man shouldn't be bothered with his families opinions, especially when they are as ignorant as that.
Been there, done that. Pain in the ass if you live in an area with annual inspections. It IS doable, however you have to be willing to sacrifice your crop should there be any problems.
Also sucks to freak out over every single footstep walking past the door.
I can't believe someone just compared this professor cat to Jack Herer or Jorge Cervantes. You guys need to lay off the pot a bit, your psychosis is real.
This guy just seems like he took getting busted as a way to act an activist. Professor Marijuana is not a Jack Herer, or a Cervantes...
I'm going to be honest here... After a few minutes of reading the thread I felt like I was being set up for some product demonstration. This individual claims to have come here to offer insight, and new ideas on growing... however nothing has been delivered... I think it's great that you've...