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  1. endoinsanity

    100% this bad?

    actually, if he's using 100% soil, vermiculite wouldn't do anything but retain more water... so unless that's his intentions then i wouldnt advice adding vermiculite into the soil now
  2. endoinsanity

    dont know the name of this device..

    sorry, i duno the exact name for it.... but if you go to home depot, you'll find it in the electrical aisle.. by the light switches and stuff
  3. endoinsanity

    I'm giving up...

    you can always check ebay
  4. endoinsanity

    The green in the closet

    sweet journal man... im lovin the light setup... cant wait to see her right before harvest... thos buds lookin dope right now
  5. endoinsanity

    205 watts 13800 lumens

    if you're using up 205 watts for CFLs, why don't you just get a 250 HPS? yield will be way better as the HPS has better light penetration and output. you'll have thicker heavier and denser buds for an extra 45 watts used
  6. endoinsanity

    Welcome New Members!

    hey! just wanted to introduce myself.... been lurking for a lil bit... so i registered... lotsa great info on here.. cheers