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  1. P

    The Dark Knight... Who's going?

    That's right, Ledger did admit playing the joker bugged him out. Nicholson it may not have been, but the "magic trick" was classic. The audience was roaring for five min. after that.
  2. P

    The Dark Knight... Who's going?

    What's good yall? I'm definitely going to see this friday. Anyone from center city PA who wants to meet up, email me @ [email protected].
  3. P

    I grow Shrooms :)

    Ah, thanks guys.
  4. P

    Charleston, SC

    Ah... That would make sense, lol!
  5. P

    ** i'm going to be making hash today **

    *Balls burst from sack* Holy shit!!! You're the fucking man!
  6. P

    Charleston, SC

    Dang, I'll have to watch what I say also... But I'm curious, what's the classified section for?
  7. P

    I grow Shrooms :)

    About the casing stage, do you need to sterilize vermiculite in a pressure cooker?
  8. P

    What's up guys? From philly!

    Word, "The cheap shit." is my reply whenever asked.
  9. P

    What's up guys? From philly!

    If you mean the overall weedlessness then I feel ya... peace man. I'm gonna finish what's left of this vlad and watch Mr. Green on youtube and wish I was him.
  10. P

    any1 smoke with their parents?

    HaHa! Grinning like a mofo... damn, that's a trip.
  11. P

    MORE Shit I've Drawn on My Friend's Wall!

    Paul Giamatti or something. American Splendor?
  12. P

    during the heat of sex, she says cum in me??

    Skeet skeet skeet!
  13. P

    High there!

    What's up dude! Tulip's are heavenly, man. The stonedest I've ever been.
  14. P

    What's up guys? From philly!

  15. P

    What's up guys? From philly!

    Yeah bleezyg please do! hAHa, damn I feel your collective pain. The one person I found in center city skimped on my bag, even when I hooked em up with some gas money. Times are tough, now I'm staring at a vacant, smokeless weekend. I would grow, but I live with granny and she finds every...
  16. P

    What's up guys? From philly!

    Thanks Kor. Yeah Tom, I heard it has been dry as hell. And this is hell for me being a serial blunt smoker. Se la ve (or something).
  17. P

    any1 smoke with their parents?

    Holy shit! These stories are funny as hell, especially the last one. Man, I wish I had relatives that were close to me like that. My only experience close to this was blazing with my buddies dad. We were smoking a tinny near the bathroom fan, and his pops came down and I was like "Oh shit!", he...
  18. P

    What's up guys? From philly!

    Nice man. Not much, just getting adjusted to the city still... I'll probably head down to CC later on. Got to find my friend Mary Jane.
  19. P

    What's up guys? From philly!

    Thanks! I'm honored to be here... You guys got some solid info and whatnot.
  20. P

    What's up guys? From philly!

    How's it going yall? I'm new to the city and even newer to these boards, just dropping in to meet a few fellow smokers and to salute the rest of ya.