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  1. hughecarot

    is potency affected? harvest what time of day? does it matter?

    Wow, that was quick response, thanks!!! I did not check trichs though. I'm out d in new england and getting a lot of shade, plus hairs are trning brick red all over,fan leaves r yellowing I have not fert in 3 wks, lrg clone that's sticking out like a sore thumb. a mix of these things is making...
  2. hughecarot

    is potency affected? harvest what time of day? does it matter?

    Help! I need any imput on when to harvest out door ww. What time of day should I cut. Does it matter wheather it light or dark out. Does it affect potency? advance. I want to do it now, its 9 pm eastern but not sure. Please hurry!
  3. hughecarot

    Posting Pics

    I can not get pics to upload. Always get a communication failure message. I only have a blackberry and not computer.I've gotten some pics to upload on my photo album setting but never on post. Any suggetions, answers, advice? I want to share my photos.
  4. hughecarot

    getting cold quick is there enough time for ww to finish in rhode island

    Thanks all for quick response .hey jimbo48 u seem to have expeirience outdoor in new england.I am curious to see pics of yours, since ur so close to me. I would like to show all my pics but can only email pics and can't post for some long till harvest do u think? About? Any experience...
  5. hughecarot

    getting cold quick is there enough time for ww to finish in rhode island

    rhode islsnd outdoor white widow pic flwrng. Not sure if I can upload pic but here goes
  6. hughecarot

    getting cold quick is there enough time for ww to finish in rhode island

    Any one with outdoor new england growing experience? Its getting cold fast here in ri and am worried my ww is not gonna finish in time. Will my flowers fill in, in last 2-3 wks of flrng? They only look half way done. Will try to post pics but hasn't been working. All I have is my blackberry. Any...
  7. hughecarot

    bending at early flwr lower profile plz help!

    Any advice or input? I have ww clone outdoors in new england that I had to bend to lower its profile. Will it hurt, cause she has begun to flower heavily.can it actually help by stabilizing large branches? It has been windy and rainy since I bet her and am hoping it hasn't harmed it.
  8. hughecarot

    widow greenhouse flowering grow

    ork! How proud r u can I ask ur opinion on my wha I think is ww was give too me its ouytdoor in new england does my plant resemble urs at all
  9. hughecarot

    Outdoor Strains for New England! Mandala #1 Greenhouse Seeds?

    Not sure if this question belongs here so sorry in advance.I too live in new england and have a ww clone outdoors. She has been flwrng maybe 2 weeka now, white pistils every where. Is my plant behind Or on time? How long till harvest? Approx. When does the first new england frost hit anyone have...
  10. hughecarot

    help! outdoors in new england. should i move indoors?

    any advice? I have 1 ww clone out doors in new england.she is in a 5 gall. Bucket that's in a whole in the ground. My ? Is should I or could I move it indoors? I'm getting worried because she's a lot biggger than I expected and sticks out like a sore thumb and is only just beggining to flwr...
  11. hughecarot

    CloudFlyer Grow Journal

    Thank you for the awsome info. I could not figure out how to see replies till just now, newbie to posting but not other things.was this cloudflyer?
  12. hughecarot

    my outdoor potted beauties...

    Very nice, and healthy looking plants. Good job!
  13. hughecarot

    CloudFlyer Grow Journal

    Awsome all around. Is that ww from seed? they look perfect. Are there any branches? Do they just grow like that or do you do something? I thought I was growing ww but my plants look very diff.with the exception of the fan leaves? This is my first post anyw.sorry if it doesn't belong. Peace