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  1. thebest

    Spider mites!!!

    Thanks guys for all the help. I think I have it undercontrol now. I havn't notice much of anything new. So, we shall see. I am still going to spray, just to make sure.
  2. thebest

    Spider mites!!!

    I used stuff that was suppose to work, apparently it doesnt kill the eggs. which is going to be a huge problem in about two weeks when she starts budding. I dont konw what kind of pesticide to get.... its driving me crazy. And i know what nute burn looks like its deff high nitrogren levels, but...
  3. thebest

    Spider mites!!!

    okay, here is the thing tho. There is a bunch of flowering plants around my plant. They arn't really paying that much attention to my plant, which Im greatful for. But I know when she starts to bed it will be a different story. I am appox 2 weeks untill the flowering stage will begin is my...
  4. thebest

    Spider mites!!!

  5. thebest

    Spider mites!!!

    yeah, thanks
  6. thebest

    Spider mites!!!

    okay, so no viniger. What about neem oil? and where can I find a product like that? do I have to go to a hydro store, or can I find it at like a home depot, lowes etc. Yeah, Im out side. Ive tried to spray with water. Didn't work. They still keep comming back. I was using Triazicide. Which...
  7. thebest

    Spider mites!!!

    I have spider-mites. I have been using this spray that I got at home depot. It's not working. They havn't damaged the plant that bad, I think its because there are a bunch of flowering plants around it. But I need to get rid of them. I know you can use dish soap. and vinager. and neem oil. But...
  8. thebest

    Need HELP with spider mites

    " For example, carbaryl (Sevin) devastates most spider mite natural enemies and can greatly contribute to spider mite outbreaks." Just read that, I am having the same problem. I thought you would like to know this before doing anything.
  9. thebest


    haha yeah i was kinda baked
  10. thebest

    HELP with Pics

    neem oil? and put it on the leaves?
  11. thebest

    HELP with Pics

    it happend as soon as i transplanted, but it hasnt happend or gotten worse since. so, we'll see
  12. thebest

    HELP with Pics

    My plant has had these spots for awhile. The growth seems to be stunted, the leaves wont come out, but the stem seems to be getting a lot bigger, what is this?
  13. thebest

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    yeah man, You think I should cut those leaves off?
  14. thebest

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    damn, very nice man! yo you think you could help me out and tell me what I should do about this?
  15. thebest

    Yellow/brown spots. Light green

    Here are some pictures of what it looks like.
  16. thebest

    Yellow/brown spots. Light green

    I planted 5 plants from a mid grade bag. They were growing fine. I killed 4 because I got a little nervous with my neighboor always being out side, and moved one of them. It was about 2 1/2 weeks into it. Now the plant is about 4 weeks old. It is showing signs of new growth, but not much. It is...
  17. thebest

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    well. I can't talk shit. Unfortunetly I havn't been able to smoke that much of the good weed. I mean I smoke a TON of weed. Just no one ever got that GOOD shit. No worries, I will go to texas too. and when I do best believe imma be on that hunt for texas shoreline. better be worth it.
  18. thebest

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    true. He probably never been to Texas before. But, Ive never been there either. Nor have I been to Cali. But I am going this year! And I plan on looking around. But I know a lot of people that come from both places and most of them always talk about Cali. Now im sure shoreline is straight but...
  19. thebest

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    lol you have a medical card? what you have to get that? Hope its not terminal. and if it is... SMOKE UP
  20. thebest

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    damn, sorry to hear about the deer bro. hope you can get that undercontrol. Fourth of July is comming up tommorrow. Go buy some fireworks and light them around the area. Sulfer should scare them away. Also the noise will make it so they won't mess around over there. And since its 4th of July no...