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  1. R

    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    Thanks for the input guys it is much appreciated and in the future I will most definitely get a lawyer before hand even for something as small as an possession charge. As for anyone saying there is more to the story, there really isn't any more it's as simple as I have told it and that is why I...
  2. R

    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    I was pulled over with a friend who was driving suspected of a dui. The officer didn't suspect cannabis he said he was checking my pockets for weapons. I shouldn't of let him search me but felt that I had no choice.
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    I had no problem with the cop ticketing me but I feel the judge screwed me on this and if that's alright with you than that's's not about the money for me it's the principal. I keep my paperwork posted on my grow man I don't take that anywhere with me unless I have to, like to the...
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    I wasn't hostile in any way, I was not intoxicated, and I definitely was not being ass smoking in front of the cops like a kid or whatever...oh and an infraction does stay on your record until it is expunged.
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    Yeah it may be an infraction but that is still money out of my pocket for something I'm legally allowed to possess. its like getting a ticket for jaywalking in a crosswalk the way I see it.
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    Well it was in traffic court I guess here is what happened...I was with a friend who was driving me home at about 2 am. We got pulled over and the officer suspected my friend of driving under the influence. He had a beer and was arrested on a suspected DUI he refused a breathaliser and had a...
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    oh yeah got it here Cali born and raised
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    I have no idea if I can reopen the case I was told this wouldn't happen if I brought my paper work with me to court. I feel like I got stiffed by the man and am feeling like my card actually does not protect me in court like I assumed.
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    trust me when I say my card is legit 100% verifiable. I mean I have had my card for about 6 years and renew it once a year on the pink slip I got from the judge it says I presented my proof of being a mmj patient.
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    someone who has had experience in this matter would be nice. not to mention I have a grow going and if this is how I'm treated for under a gram I couldn't imagine what would happen if I were busted for a "legal" grow. I guess at that point I would be considering getting a lawyer.
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    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    no public defender just me. why would I need a public defender if I'm not breaking any laws? Is not having proof of being a patient enough?
  12. R

    new user got a possession charge with mmj card

    Hey guys new here I got a possession charge for under a gram of cannabis in California went to court today presented my paper work, which is up to date, to a judge and still got charged with possession and a fine. I've had my card for a long time and don't understand why I am still charged and...