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  1. learner2156

    timer malfuction. problem ?

    I've got a plant thats 5 weeks into flowering and I forgot to turn the timer on when I was going away, I'ts been under constant light for 4 days. Does anyone know if this will cause any kind of adverse effects on the plant.?
  2. learner2156

    help, this looks bad.

    have looked through the guides but still not sure whats up,these are auto aks bout 3 weeks flowering,ph is about 6.7/8 and just gave em bout a half dose of hornbys big bud.prob started bout a week ago ,any advice would be greatly appreciated.thanks
  3. learner2156

    what the fudge is this?!

    thats not a great pic its more of a dark green,it looks kinda dead there but them patches are kinda dark purply green not dry or anything
  4. learner2156

    what the fudge is this?!

    14 inch from 250mh and that came off a lower leaf.
  5. learner2156

    what the fudge is this?!

    sorry heres pic
  6. learner2156

    what the fudge is this?!

    can anyone tell me whats wrong here just on one leaf so far others are turnin sorta dark brown/purple at edges .
  7. learner2156

    hg-hydroponics, scam or possibly even scamola!?

    Did he send ya any tracking info by any chance?
  8. learner2156

    hg-hydroponics, scam or possibly even scamola!?

    How long has the company been going you know of anyone has ordered from them?
  9. learner2156

    hg-hydroponics, scam or possibly even scamola!?

    Sorry to hear that man, and even more sorry to say its becoming clear that it is just a scam ,sent a angry email and eventually got a reply with a fake dhl code ,and yea i got a reciept thingy with order status: processing too.
  10. learner2156

    hg-hydroponics, scam or possibly even scamola!?

    anyone any experience with them?.ordered stuff 10 days ago and cant get any replies to emails, no answer from phone no.s and cant make any contact at all.starting to worry obviously.:confused:
  11. learner2156

    8 weeks flowering. problem

    this looks bad is this bad?
  12. learner2156

    yellow drooping leaves?

    Hello all ,my plants are about three weeks into flowering and the fan leaves seem to be in a bad state anyone any suggestions on what the problem might be?
  13. learner2156

    problem with leaves?

    yea i originally had them potted in mg soil with nutrients in em (haven't given them any nutes apart from that) and one of em started to nute burn pretty bad ,I keep flushing the soil but the burn seems to keep spreading, how much water should i flush through and how often?
  14. learner2156

    problem with leaves?

    I,ve noticed a few probs with the leafs on my nl plants , they're about 2 weeks into flowering under 125w cfl, can anybody tell me what they think the prob might be ,the two pics are on the most severley damaged leaves ,the rest of the leafs seem ok apart from the tips beginning to dry a little,
  15. learner2156

    what cfls?

    I've been flowering under 125w cfls for about a week now and wanted to get a bit more light ,I was just trying to work out what cfls would do , i've got a couple of small 60w from local store but am not sure if they will provide the right light , none of the bulbs specify what kinda light (2700...
  16. learner2156


    can anyone tell me if this looks like a male ,I need to know coz my closet is running out of space! the nodules are about 3 days old.
  17. learner2156

    dry browning leaves?

    the plants are 4 weeks from seed in a mg soil which says it has three months worth of nutes in it. the leaves started with brown patches yesterday and now some of the leaves look like this. Can anyone tell me if this is a serious prob.?
  18. learner2156

    anyone know what this is??

    well thank you such a constructive reply.
  19. learner2156

    anyone know what this is??

    thanks guys, havent given it any nutes, soil said it had 3 mounts of nutes in it ,also how much water can i give it ,is it possible to over water at this stage?
  20. learner2156

    anyone know what this is??

    Sorry folks but i've searched and searched and cant find an answer so hopefully some kind person can help me out , the plants seem fine mostly but I'm noticing a couple of probs with a few leaves .They're about 4 weeks old ..anyone?