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  1. P


    thanks for bein such a nice guy :?
  2. P


    i appreciate all your help and what not. most people are cocky fucks up in here. no time for newbiez for them. thanks for taking the time man
  3. P


    yeah i was thinkin of a grow box, thing is idk where you guys are but where i am its jail time if i get caught. im sure thats where it is every where butttttttt...i live @ home so the smell during flowering will be an issue.
  4. P


    three, its only for the first few weeks of the veg stage, i was gonna look into scrog for the garden. the heat issue can be resolved quickly by taking them out of the pail with the light on them, then they go in at night again...or taking out one bulb. and its 23watt/bulb ..i knew space would...
  5. P


    this may sound bad but i start with one bulb..stayed at 78ish...i put two in sometimes depends how the weather is it can get up to 95...but during the day i take em out and put the light on em couple inches away so they get lots of airrrrr.
  6. P


    Alright sooo ive had a few questions lately and people have said ive posted shit all about my grow "area" and all that stufff sooo on a rainy day here we gooooo.... this is going to sound super GHETTTOOO but i actually use a garbage pail as my "grow area" screwed some hooks to the lid and thats...
  7. P

    TRANSPLANTING x3 ????!

    another lame question, SORRY GUYS, so far everyone is a life saver...... can I transplant to a different soil after doing so 4 days ago? Im trying to change the soil to organic or whatever, but two plants seem to be stressed enough with over watering....Any tips? Leave em alone? or change the...
  8. P

    Miracle grow and veg stage

    alright, ive already made a prev post about yellowing leaves, some people said its because of nutes, i use zerooo. then maybe the soil i use? its MG, no organic nothing like that. i recently re planted these kids with mg and since then ive notices problems. i cant get foxfarm soil shipped to...
  9. P

    Plant issues?! Please help

    i dont use nutrients and that is why im so confused? i just re planted them and grabbed some miracle grow...should i change soil?
  10. P

    Plant issues?! Please help

    Alright, so Im new. Thank you for reading this and this is my 2nd time growing. Have never used any nutrients, just miracle grow soil..couple CLFs and then the gals move outside in the summer...have had nothing but success. SO I have 5 plants from a bag I got a long way back, just came across...