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  1. F

    Drying question..

    Sounds good. So much for the fan blowing warm air around. That crapped out quickly, maybe it overheated or something. Anyway, replaced it with another fan that's blowing air around the buds. I'm in Northern CA and my garage cools at night but the daytime temps for the next four or five days...
  2. F

    Drying question..

    Yesterday I harvested my plant and now it's hanging to dry in a dark closet. Since the closet is in the garage and it tends to get a little cooler there I put a small fan in the closet that also puts out a little heat. Not a lot, just a little circulating breeze and enough heat to just warm...
  3. F

    Caterpiller, worms?? Check this out..

    Thanks guys. I'll get those bastards early next year. First grow this year and never sprayed. I'm lucky I only lost a few nugs and they didn't wipe me out completely. THx.
  4. F

    Caterpiller, worms?? Check this out..

    I kept noticing the tips of some of my buds getting brown and having this soft mushy feel to them. Found some type of larvae eggs at one point during the flowering cycle. Tried to get rid of it by breaking off the bad parts but some of those eggs must have hatched into some type of...
  5. F

    A few brown dried buds on the tips..

    I think it's possibly bud rot and budworm. I already cut off the four or five bud tips that we're obviously dry, crispy and I possibly even noticed some little tiny black & white specs that I thought looked like droppings or larvae or something. I might even cut back just a little below that...
  6. F

    A few brown dried buds on the tips..

    I'm so close to harvesting I'm not even worrying about it this point. If it had happened two or three weeks ago I would have been trying to figure out what was causing the top of the bud to get a little brown & dry but this late in the game I'm not sweating it. I'm not sure if you can tell but...
  7. F

    A few brown dried buds on the tips..

    I'm very close to harvesting but was wondering why a few of the my bud tips or sort of brownish in color and a little on the dried out side. To the touch they seem almost dried and a little brittle. But it's only the tip of the bud on three or four branches. Everything from the dried out tip...
  8. F

    Sorry to do it again, but is my Gods Gift ready to harvest?

    Thanks for clarifying why some buds tend to get look more mature than others. As far as it looking like it's getting sick that's the first anyone has said that. Does that mean that it's useless bud or just chop it and dry it? I only stopped feeding it flowering nutes about a four days ago...
  9. F

    Sorry to do it again, but is my Gods Gift ready to harvest?

    Some big old buds for my first try. I'm going to harvest the middle of next week. Is it normal for the outermost buds that got more sun to look more finished than the inner buds that we're partially shaded from big fan leaves and obviously got less direct sun? Seems to me that it would only...
  10. F

    Sorry to do it again, but is my Gods Gift ready to harvest?

    What about mine. Ready to chop or wait a week?
  11. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Any idea on how much longer. I'm a first timer so I'm doing the best I can to read up on when to harvest. I stopped feeding it the flowering nutes about a four days ago and I'm just giving it straight water. Is N def a bad thing or something it goes through closer to being ready to harvest? Thx.
  12. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What do you think? Must be getting close..
  13. F

    Time to harvest? Clueless..

    I'm a total beginner as you can probably tell by my questions but I was thinking along the lines of another week and I'm ready to harvest. This little thing is loaded with some fat buds. I really enjoyed nursing this plant from a somewhat sickly looking clone into a healthy beautiful plant all...
  14. F

    Time to harvest? Clueless..

    Here's a pic the entire plant..
  15. F

    Time to harvest? Clueless..

    Okay, Appreciate the feedback but I'll see what others have to say also. I'm located in Northern California. Another two weeks would put me roughly in the middle of the month but four weeks would have me harvesting in November. That doesn't seem right? I broke a small bud off about a week...
  16. F

    Time to harvest? Clueless..

    Hi, I put this blackberry kush plant outside back in May. I'm located in Northern CA. I've kept no logs or dates as to exactly how long it's been flowering or anything like that. Fed it well with veg nutes and then flowering nutes. It's one plant and it has some pretty big buds on it. My...
  17. F

    Is my plant looking healthier? Any suggestions..

    Thanks for your reply and I appreciate you letting me hit you up when I have some questions. I'll check in with my guy at the hydro store and mention to him what you had said about the plant needing more N than P & K. I'll see what his thoughts are on this and he thinks I should switch it up I...
  18. F

    Is my plant looking healthier? Any suggestions..

    Thanks for the advice. Very curious as to why someone at the hydroponics store would recommend something that doesn't seem right for the plant. He made it sound like I could use this up until the flowering point and then switch to something that works really well during the flowering process...
  19. F

    Is my plant looking healthier? Any suggestions..

    Hi, The picture on the left is my plant on 5/19 and the picture on the right is from a day or two ago. To me it looks a lot better than it did when I first transplanted it from inside to outside. I stuck it in a barrel with a few different types of soil that we're probably a little on the hot...
  20. F

    Newbie here.. Yellowing curled up & dried out leaves..

    Guys, Just wondering if you thought my plant was looking better. The pic on the left is what it looks like today. The pic on the right is what it looked like on 5/19. I think it initially went through some bleaching from being started inside and transferred outside. I'm still seeing a...