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  1. N

    Getting good at growing males?

    my first gow I got lucky as hell out of my 7 bag seeds of some fire 6 were female
  2. N

    really good question about harvest time!!!

    why do people worry about nute deffincy when millions of people grow with out nutes?
  3. N

    really good question about harvest time!!!

    if lollipopping is the same thing as topping the plant can I do it in the flower stage?
  4. N

    really good question about harvest time!!!

    honestly I don't know how long theve been in flower because there outside and the light cycle is not even 12/12 here in pa but there definetly in flower mode because there are buds forming and white hairs everywhere but,.....the buds have been starting to form now id say for about a week or 2...
  5. N

    really good question about harvest time!!!

    what does jacking of supposedly do for them
  6. N

    really good question about harvest time!!!

    ok so here is my question,..........ive heard from many people that when your about to harvest after you flush and all that good stuff that your supposed to take your plant and keep them in the complete dark for like 2 days?........but the thing is my plants are like 15 miles away in the...
  7. N

    light cycle question really good one too

    there outside already so im not worried about bugs
  8. N

    light cycle question really good one too

    ok I have 2 plants outside its is getting ready to start july I planted them may 20 the thing is im ready to start flower but the out side light cycle wont change to 12/12 until late sep early oct. is it possible for me to leave my plants out side for 12 hours of sun light and then bring them in...
  9. N

    plz help a noob

    its all good i think....this morning when i checked on them them were up like a hard on! but the soil is still very wet so ill let it get extra crispy before i water them
  10. N

    plz help a noob

    ok thanks you guys explained that well a hermie is a female that turns male from most likely stress and whichs means a pollinated fem is completly different but they but in the end are a source of bag seed. which means when i get bagseed it could have come from a hermie or a pollinated fem
  11. N

    plz help a noob

    ok so im growing outside for veg inside for flower....right now my plants are about 3 weeks old with 4th nodes sprouting. where im at it can really get hot average 75-85 but it also can rain a bit and, for the last two days it has rained and, when i looked outside my plants were very droopy i...
  12. N

    plz help a noob

    ok you said it can be from any pollinated female but isnt a pollinated female the definition of a hermie...? and my big question is,,,when bug has seed in it does that mean it came from a hermie plant?
  13. N

    plz help a noob

    so when i buy weed off this guy a know and it has seeds it it that means it came from a hermie plant and the palnts that you dont let turn hermie is the loudpack or real light green shit if you know what i mean
  14. N

    plz help a noob

    ok i have a question it may be stupid to you but im new to this so...what exactly is a hermie? i know its when you stress your plant too much. and your bud grows seeds,ok but what is wrong with that is it just the simple fact that people do not want seed in the bud,,or does is weaken the bud...
  15. N

    why aren't my plants growing???

    that second set of leaves is reaching up way to far for light id bet your light is not close enough
  16. N

    Need a little help identifying...

    did you see the pic he posted come on? it way to obvious I have the right to laugh
  17. N

    Need a little help identifying...

    im not trying to be rude I am a noob my self but come its a ball fest there my dog would have know to chop that tree down
  18. N

    Need a little help identifying...

    did you not notice the lack of buds at ten weeks? its so hard not to laugh but I feel bad for you at the same time you have to do research to avoid baby mistakes like this
  19. N

    Need a little help identifying...

    eww ive never seen a full grown male that's just nasty looking
  20. N

    Need a little help identifying...

    hahahahah that doesn't even look like a weed plant if you ask me I think you got ripped off got anymore pics? but if it is weed def male