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  1. R

    Growing in Japan and laws

    I'm really not.. I asked for advice.. and stop answering for other people... I would hook someone up in a second. Why bother posting if you have nothing to contribute.. annoying. I would never respond the way some of you do, it's pretty odd quite frankly when we are all here...
  2. R

    Growing in Japan and laws

    And why is that? On vacation I've asked bellhops and they'll tell me where to get good bud. Stoners are good people. :P Kenny what part of Japan are you in? What kind of people sell it? Just sketchy people? lol... any advice?
  3. R

    Growing in Japan and laws

    K3NNY can you actually find stuff in Japan? On a side note I apparently don't have PM privileges yet... Baka....
  4. R

    Growing in Japan and laws

    erm... the guy who started this thread lives in japan and grows weed in japan, I was responding in this thread because he might see it... But thanks for the advice about sending it... that is a good idea. Banned? There are some angry stoners here :P
  5. R

    Growing in Japan and laws

    Lol yeah I'm a japanese cop and my beat is the internet :-I I don't know much Japanese so it's not like I can ask people.. and like some of you have said, it's very illegal, so asking people is not a smart idea. I went to the internet and searched here.. not for weed.. but for people who smoke...
  6. R

    Growing in Japan and laws

    Pot dealer :P Lol.. at the person above me (wtf lol) Any help would be immensely appreciated.. as in.. you will be a god to me, or perhaps a demi-god if the weed isn't that great.
  7. R

    Growing in Japan and laws

    I've been searching online for days.. and so I know these things. I am only here for a short time.. and I am very careful, I smoked everyday back in my home country and was never caught (even though it is very much illegal there as well) I guess I'm just asking where in fukuoka someone might...
  8. R

    Growing in Japan and laws

    Hey i'm regurgitating this topic because I'm stuck in Japan and need teh weed bad :( I'm in fukuoka... can anyone help? It would be greatly appreciated, I don't drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes... and maybe it sounds weird but I need something to relax as I've been studying night and day...