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  1. ItalianDrummer90

    37 days into flowering, is it time?

    I have ground up coffee, is that alright too or does it have to be beans?
  2. ItalianDrummer90

    37 days into flowering, is it time?

    Alright well you could just straight tell me its half way done, that's all I needed to know. I have no shame saying im a "noob" lol everyone was at one point before they reach the level of cockyness.:wink:
  3. ItalianDrummer90

    37 days into flowering, is it time?

    I don't have one of those jeweler microscopes, ill probably get one when I get paid Thursday. I just figured since its short as hell and tiny, it wouldn't take so long lol. BTW its just regular bagseed from a reaaalllyyy good batch of mid's
  4. ItalianDrummer90

    37 days into flowering, is it time?

    My little girl is a short stout plant about a foot tall. 80% of the hairs in it are red, so I figured the shorter the plant, the lesser time it takes. Whats your opinion? Im probably wrong on that theory but lol idk it makes sense to me. Here are some pics!
  5. ItalianDrummer90

    Nute advice for flowering. "Natures Wonder"

    Oh ok, well that's god to know. Yeah im completely clueless when people talk about nutes lol when there like "yeah just use 20-10-10" or "10-20-30" im like "uhhh wtf does that mean? lol I feel stupid because I feel like nutes are what every grower SHOULD know. I never added nutes in my plants...
  6. ItalianDrummer90

    Nute advice for flowering. "Natures Wonder"

    I haven't watered my plant yet since the soil was so wet when I transplanted it, its been about 3 days and I just woke her up. Her leaves are up and its not wilting which means that it may not be thirsty just yet. But I want to use this nute that my buddy gave me from that farm he used to work...
  7. ItalianDrummer90

    Timing to start the flowering precess

    ....What in the fuck does that have anything to do with my question? lol what if I was a 7? Would you still dislike me? :hump:
  8. ItalianDrummer90

    Timing to start the flowering precess

    Woah holy shizznit!!! better cut the lights at 8pm then!! :o
  9. ItalianDrummer90

    Timing to start the flowering precess

    Yeooo guysss! Quick question. Now, my plant is maybe JUST reaching 1 foot. I transplanted it about 5-6 days ago and I think I already see a tinyyy pistol growing and not that "banana bunch" looking sign that males grow. My height is limited not only because of my growing area but because of...
  10. ItalianDrummer90

    Messing up the vegative light schedual

    I know my gf even said all ditsy like "wow its so healthy and vibrant green for bag seed!" lol. And I know, I was like "well...looks like they will also get a shot of my shitter as well!" lmaoo :lol:
  11. ItalianDrummer90

    Messing up the vegative light schedual

    Yeah I usually use those 7-8 inch terracotta pots from seedlings to about a month, then I transplant when I see that im needing to water it everyday instead of every other day. Damn, I never thought of that before! lol
  12. ItalianDrummer90

    Messing up the vegative light schedual

    Its been a month and 2 weeks. I pulled off the cloved leafs and the single bladed leafs (very carefully) when they turned completely yellow and were almost dead. That's good to hear that it looks healthy! I thought maybe because it looks like a palm tree that it wasn't growing too good lol. Oh...
  13. ItalianDrummer90

    Messing up the vegative light schedual

    Oh awesome! That's all ive ever been told lol "dudeee you can turn your plant into a male doing that! wtf duuudeee!" Lol im sooo glad I joined this community with people that actually know wtf they are talking about lol.
  14. ItalianDrummer90

    Messing up the vegative light schedual

    I uploaded them. Those are as big as I can get them tho lol all im working with is a cellphone camera :wall:
  15. ItalianDrummer90

    Messing up the vegative light schedual

    I know I laughed my ass off at this earlier hahaahhh
  16. ItalianDrummer90

    Messing up the vegative light schedual

    Ughh thats a relief to hear man lol. Its a month and 2 weeks old. Ill get pics up asap.
  17. ItalianDrummer90

    Messing up the vegative light schedual

    Ok so this is my first post ever on here. For the record I grow mostly bag seed because 1.) I cant afford exotic seeds and 2.) I am extreeeemmeeellyyy paranoid buying them online. My little 10 inch plant that I just transplanted yesterday has been on a 9am-3am fixture. I just got a job starting...